Thursday, December 11, 2008


"I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change."
Jim Rohn

Are you running away from your life situation? Most of us trudge drearily through our work, thanking God when it's Friday, and longing for it to be vacation time. We are only working so that we can get enough money to do fun things later. Not many people can say that they truly enjoy their work so much that they would do it for free. Not many people enjoy their work so much that they thank God when it's Monday and could skip their vacation time.

It is, of course, those few people who are the really successful ones. When you truly enjoy your work, it shows. You not only do a better job of it, but you persuade other people that you do, so that they will support you in it. Your life will be more meaningful when you take the time to determine what you really want to accomplish in life.

For those of us who don't truly enjoy our work, and probably don't know what kind of work we really would enjoy, we have relatively meaningless lives. We don't like the way we're living but, for whatever reason, aren't willing to work to change it. It could be that we're afraid to "rock the boat" by taking risks. We might think that this kind of life is all we're capable or deserving of.

So we plan our vacation and dream of escape. After all, first of all it's easy to see why we deserve our vacation, and second of all, it's a lot less risky to plan a vacation than to plan a life. Escape is easier than change. It's also a whole lot less rewarding.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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