Sunday, December 14, 2008


"Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides."
Alcaeus (fl. 611-580 BC) Greek poet, satirist

What kind of language do you use when you are talking about yourself? What kind to you use when you are talking about others? Our words have much more power than we realize. We casually make comments that devestate people, or make their day. It's important to make sure our brain is engaged before we put our mouth in gear.

Through your words that you excersise your creative power. It is how you create. The question is are you creating good things or bad things based on what you are saying. The human mind is a fertile ground for the seeds (ideas, feelings etc) that it has been prepared for. If the seeds of fear are planted in your mind, what will grow there, and what will it do to you?

In order to create good results in your life, it is important to pay attention to the words you use. Only say good things, both about yourself and about others. Saying bad things about others is really a sin against yourself for we are all one. Avoid gossip like the plague; never say anything about anyone that you would not say to their face. Your language excerts hidden power; so use it to your best advantage.

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