Tuesday, December 16, 2008


"What you are is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift back to God."
Kelly Jeppesen

God has given unique strengths and challenges to everyone. This means that everyone is equally valuable, and that everyone needs to find his own way to express God's gift to him. Everyone needs to define his or her own mission or purpose in life, and this requires intimate self-knowledge. Sometimes it takes a long time to identify what your unique gifts are, and then how to use them.

God needs you just as much as you need God. James Ray tells a story about a small town that had an huge ugly rock pile in its town square. One man eventually decided to do something about it and worked and toiled, sweated, hauled, moved and shoveled the rocks until he had turned the town square into a beautiful rock garden. One day a tourist was visiting and happened to see the man working in the rock garden. He stopped and said "Young man, God has blessed you with a beautiful rock garden". The man replied "You're right sir, but you should have seen what it looked like when He had it all by Himself."

What you accomplish in this world, what you make of yourself, is your gift back to God. Utilizing the gifts God gave you is the best gift you could possibly give Him.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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