Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Great Life

No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, and disciplined
Henry Emerson Fosdick

You can't accomplish anything great unless you focus all your energies on it. If there are 10 rosebuds on a branch and they all share the available nutrients, water etc, they are all going to be fairly small. But if you only have one rosebud on a branch because you've got rid of all the others, then it gets all the available nutrients, water etc and grows to be much bigger and better. If you have 10 projects going on at the same time, then each of them will share in your available energy, time, and resources, and they are all going to turn out okay. But if you only have one project and it gets all of your energy, time etc, it will turn out to be something special.

If your life is not dedicated to one major purpose, then you won't be able to focus your time, energy and resources on that one thing. If your life is not disciplined, you will always be running around trying to respond to every little thing that life gives you and none of those projects will turn out to be very good or satisfying to you.

The only way to accomplish something great is to dedicate your life to a single purpose, focus on one project that fullfills that purpose, and be disciplined enough not to get distracted by anything else.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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