Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Loss of Life

"Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways."
Stephen Vincent Benet

Do you really live your life. So many of us drag ourselves around, dealing with emergencies and doing our chores all day long. We go to work because we have to make money, not because we actually enjoy our work. We do whatever we think other people want us to do just to please them, and not the things that we ourselves would have chosen. Our lives lose their meaning.

People who really live their life know why they're here. They have a clear sense of their life's purpose, and everything they do supports that. Thay have no chores because they can see the larger picture of why they need to do those tasks. They enjoy their work so much they would do it for free. They only do what pleases other people when it pleases them too. They proactively deal with things before they become emergencies because they're forward thinking.

They say that people on their deathbed typically regret the things they didn't do much more than anything they did do. Most of us aren't doing enough of what we really want to do, of the things that support our purpose in life, of the things that make us happy. When the meaning of our life is lost, when we drag ourselves through life not caring about the things we do, then that is like a slow death. Find your purpose; find out what makes you happy, and spend your time doing it. Live your life!

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