Monday, November 24, 2008


"Fun is fundamental. There is no way around it. You absolutely must have fun. Without fun, there is no enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm, there is no energy. Without energy, there are only shades of gray."
Doug Hall

What is fun, anyway. To me, fun is proving to yourself that you can do something that you didn't think you could do before. It is surprising yourself with your own capabilities. It is discovering new things about yourself. How much fun do you have in your own life?

What motivates you to do things, to have the energy to get up and go and accomplish something new and exciting? It is the desire to prove to yourself that you can do it. It is the desire to have fun. It is the desire to grow. Life is always encouraging you towards growth.

What gives you enthusiasm and excitement? It is the chance to prove to yourself that you are capable of doing more than you thought you could. It is the desire to show yourself what a wonderful person you are becoming. It is the desire to prove to yourself that you are growing.

If you are to accomplish anything significant in life, you must have fun. You must enjoy doing it; even the parts of it that would normally just be dull or annoying must be fun because they help you move ever onwards towards you goal. Put more fun in your life. Search out fun things. Prove to yourself that you are capable of greatness.

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