Sunday, November 2, 2008


"The first wealth is health."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What would you say is the very most important area of your life? You'd probably think of whatever area you were lacking in. People with no money think that finances are the most important part of life. People with money but no freinds would disagree; they would think that relationships are the most important part of life. But the truth is that the most important part of life is really your health.

If you are sick or in pain all the time, it is really difficult to enjoy anything else. We are aware of nothing more than the state of our physical body. We think about it all the time, since it is always with us no matter where we go. And it turns out that your attitude about almost every subject is influenced by your attitude about your body. When your body feels good, and you feel good about your body, then you will feel good about the rest of your world.

It is a snowball effect. If you feel good physically, you will feel better about the world around you, and enjoy it more. If you feel good about the world around you and enjoy it more, you will feel better physically. Disease is really dis-ease. Do whatever it takes to get your body to feel its best. Your most important wealth is your health.

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