Monday, November 17, 2008


"Until we can manage TIME, we can manage nothing else."
Peter F. Drucker

How well do you manage time? Do you try to do everything yourself, even those tasks that you aren't very good at? Do you multitask? Neither of these things are good time management.

Think about how much money you could make in an hour. If you had a job doing what you're doing, how much would they pay you? Let's say you figure you were worth 10$ an hour. If you had to go and mow the lawn, you could hire some neighborhood kid to do that for maybe 7$ an hour. If you do it yourself, then you are are essentially wasting 3$ an hour (the difference between the value of your best activity and the value of mowing the lawn). Obviously, when looked at this way, it would be better to hire someone to mow the lawn while you spend your time doing what you do best. And that neighborhood kid might to a better job of mowing the lawn than you could have.

Most of us think that we can get more done by trying to do several different things at the same time. But research shows that we actually get less done that way because we aren't concentrating on any one thing well enough to do a good job of it. It is much more constructive to do one thing at a time whenever possible. It is better to do one thing really well than to do ten in a sloppy, half-hearted way.

It is crucial to learn good time management strategies. Time is the only resource we have that is finite. We can get more learning, acquire more energy, find more opportunities. But we can never get more time. We can only make better use of the time we do have.

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