Sunday, November 9, 2008


Most people are searching for happiness. They're looking for it. They're trying to find it in someone or something outside of themselves.That's a fundemental mistake. Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way you think."
Wayne W(alter) Dyer

Do you look for happiness in outside things? Do you think that owning a waterfront condo in a gorgeous location, or a mansion next to a world-class golf course, will make you happy? Maybe it's having a cook and a maid. Or it's winning the lottery. Hey, we all want to win the lottery, don't we. So often, we think that if we could only have everything we want, that we would be happy. But life doesn't work like that. Many people we admire, who have all the riches and fame anyone could want, are miserable. You can't buy happiness at any price.

Yet happiness is available to everyone, even those who financially have nothing. Lots of very poor people are very happy. This is because your happiness does not depend on what you have. It depends on the way you think. It depends on your attitude towards the world. Looking for happiness outside ourselves is a waste of time. We were meant to be happy. Happiness is our natural state of mind. The only reason that we don't feel happy is that we have got in our own way.

We want other things instead of appreciating the things we have. Life is full of blessings. Small children are very aware of that. They see the world in a state of wonder and awe. But we have forgotten.

We think that the approval of other people will make us happy. We think we will be happy if our spouse did more work around the house (or if we had a spouse). But things don't work out that. way. People resent knowing that you will only be happy if they changed their behavior in some way. They resist doing it. If you date somone for the first time and they pick up that you are imagining what "our children" are going to be like, they are likely to run. People don't want that kind of responsibility, at least until they have made up their own mind that they want the same thing that you want. The best thing to do is to just appreciate the person's good points and then they will decide on their own that they want to please you.

You can't find happiness outside yourself. Change the way you see the world that you already have so that you feel good about it.

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