Saturday, November 1, 2008

"It is easy to get everything you want, provided you first learn to do without the things you cannot get"
Elbert Hubbard

We know from the Law of Attraction that we can get everything we want. The biggest reason that we don't get everything we want is because we beleive that we cannot get it. We play the lottery, but we don't really beleive we have any chance of winning it. The odds are too high. We cope with this by telling ourselves that it won't be the end of the world if we don't win the lottery. We can manage without it. We are talking ourselves into doing without the things that we want but don't think we can get. We should, perhaps, be doing this more often. It would force us to be more grateful for what we already have.

If you do succeed in talking yourself out of missing those things that you don't think you can get anyway, what is left? It will be those things that you wanted and expected to get. Of course it will also be those things that you didn't want but expected to get but hopefully you can get rid of those somehow. But that's how you get everything you want. There is a wisdom in being happy with what you already have, because it makes you expect to get more good things. It raises your expectations, which in turn makes you get more of what you want (perhaps even winning that lottery).

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