Saturday, November 29, 2008


"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success."
Stephen A. Brennan

It is not enough just to have a goal. We might have a goal to get to Hollywood, but unless we have a plan, (ie a map, a driving route and a vehicle), we aren't going to get there. It is not so much necessary to be able to see all the way there, but we do need to know what direction to point ourselves in. Just like with a car driving in the dark, the further we move forward the more unseen parts of the road become visible. We can drive all the way across the country even though we can only see a few hundred feet ahead of ourselves. All we have to do is to stay on the road, headed in the right direction.

It is true that plans are tricky. Even the best of plans get waylaid, because unforseen circumstances are always happening. Sometimes it feels like just as soon as you've made a plan, you need to change it. Some people say that it's not the actual plan that's important, it is the process of planning. It is the action of thinking about how you might reach your goals, that helps you to actually reach them. But you have to beleive that you have a good plan now, and you have to act on it now, even if it needs to be altered later. You can't wait until you have it perfect, because it never will be.

Once you've established a goal, you must plan how you will acheive it. You must beleive that your plan will work, based on your present information, and you must act on it quickly and vigorously. If you have to change it later, beleive in your new plan and start acting on that one. Keep moving forward. That is how you will be successful.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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