Thursday, November 20, 2008


"It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off. You cannot make progress without making decisions."
Jim Rohn

Do you have a hard time making decisions? Are you afraid of making the wrong decision? Many people are. As one person commented" I feel like the proverbial donkey between two bales of hay- unable to decide which one I want, and, in the meantime, starving to death" But by not choosing, we are choosing to deprive ourselves of what makes life a delicious feast.

Our fear of making the wrong decision is tied closely to our fear of making mistakes. It comes from our need to be perfect and our need to control the outcome of the events in our lives. We need to look at making decisions differently. We need to understand that there is always something to gain, no matter which decision you make.

Regardless of which decision you make, there will be opportunities to experience life in a new way, to learn and grow, to find out who you are and who you would really like to be and what you would like to do. Even if you choose to stay in the position you are in now, you can still take advantages of opportunities in that position that you didn't see before. There is no such thing as a situation that has absolutely nothing good in it and can't be improved.

The most important thing is that you make a decision. Know that you can't go wrong. Even if your decision leads to problematic circumstances, you can always make a new decision to change them into something better. If your decision leads to wonderful circumstances, however, just think of how much better you'll feel.

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