Wednesday, November 19, 2008


"The secret of greatness is simple: do better work than any other man in your field - and keep on doing it."
Wilfred A. Peterson

We all would like to be great. We often think there must be some reason why people become great that has to do with their character, or intelligence, or resources. But none of these are the determining factor. Many people have become great when they started with nothing. They became great just because they did better work than anyone else in their field, and they never gave up. They had the burning desire to succeed.

How do you do better work than any other man in your field? It comes down largely to being clear about exactly what kind of work you want to accomplish, and determining the best way to do that, often through trial and error. If you really want to do great work, you will find a way. If you keep focusing on your goal of providing your best work to as many people as possible, you will get to the point when you expect to do that. This will give you the persistance you need to not quit when obstacles and roadblocks happen, which they will.

We all have the ability to be great. People do great things because they convince themselves that they can do better work than their competition. People do great things because they never give up trying. You too can be a great success, as long as you dream big and never give up.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

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