Thursday, November 6, 2008


"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy."
Dr. (Felice) Leo(nardo) Buscaglia

Do you worry about what the future will bring? Are you worried about the economy and about whether you'll have enough money to retire on? Are you worried that we'll have a depression like the one in the "30's? Are you worried about not being able to pay the mortgage and losing your house? Most of us are. But being worried about all these things is not going to stop them from happening. Because of the Law of Attraction, it is actually going to make them more likely to happen.

Worrying is like having faith that terrible things are going to happen. It happens because your ego is projecting bad things that happened in the past out in to the future. But in reality, the future is like an empty book, just waiting for you to write upon it. Nobody can foretell the future, least of all your ego.

If you focus all your energy on thinking about a bad future, you are ignoring all the good things about right now. And right now is the only time that is real, the only time that matters. The only true joy of life happens in the present. And if you are not paying attention to the good things in life, to the present, then you are missing out on what is really important in life; which is to feel joy.

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