Saturday, November 22, 2008


"Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, with takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice."
Arnold Joseph Toynbee

Are you apathetic. I beleive apathy is a result of depression, and depression has been shown to be the result of a thought that one is powerless to change the world. Scientists have been able to induce depression in animals just by preventing them from being able to control their environment. As someone who has suffered depression most of my life, I know that apathy is as much a major component of it as feeling sad is.

Apathy can only be overcome by enthusiasm. Enthusiasm, of course, comes from the realization that you do have the power to change your environment. This comes from knowing what you want to change your environment into, and knowing (or at least having a plan) how you will be able to do that.

You must know exactly what you want. You must be so clear about what you want that you get excited about it because you can imagine it actually happening. Most importantly you can imagine how wonderful you will feel when it comes. That spurs your desire for it.

Finally you must have a definite intelligable plan for reaching that ideal. Otherwise you have just a wish for something. You won't take action until you can think of a good action to take in order to move towards your goal. Sometimes you won't see the whole road but at least you'll find a way to get started. The more action you take, the more enthusiastic you'll be because you'll be able to see your progress.

Banish apathy. Generate some enthusiasm for your goals. Make them crystal clear. Then figure out a plan of action to get you started,and you're on your way.

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