Saturday, January 31, 2009


"The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment."
Anthony Robbins

Do you feel insignificant? Would you like to make a significant difference to the world, one that will live beyond you? Would you like to be remembered fondly by people everywhere? There are only two things preventing you from doing that.

First of all, you have to imagine a better world. If you were going to make a significant difference, what exactly would that be? What exactly do you want people everywhere to remember you for? A good question to ask is where does your greatest talent meet the world's greatest need? What is is that you could do to meet the world's need better than anyone else? We all have our own unique talents that can help solve at least one of the world's problems if only we recognized them.

Second, you have to be commited to your dream. You have to be willing to do whatever is necesary, assuming it is legal, moral, and ethical, to reach your goal. You have to be willing to let nothing stop you. You find a way around obstacles, bounce back from setbacks and failures, and always keep going. When you have your dream, and are fully committed to it, nothing can stop you from making an impact on the world.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Live and Learn

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi

What would you do today if you knew for sure that you were going to die tomorrow? The truth is that nobody knows when they're going to die. So for all you know, it might just be that today is your last day on earth. How many regrets would you have if that happened? How many things would you be sorry that you never told a certain person? How many things would you wish that you had experienced during your life?
We all go through life focused on some time in the future when we would be happy. But there may not be any future. All we really have is the present, so that is the time to be happy.

Do you know everything you think you need to know? The more intelligent a person is, the more he realizes how little he knows. When you are really living, you should be learning at least one new thing every day. The world is endlessly full of fascinating wonders. A really successful person knows to never stop learning. There is always something else he needs to know. If you were going to live forever, what would you want to understand about life? perhaps the first thing is "How do I become successful?"

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Thursday, January 29, 2009


"I attribute my success to this: I never gave an excuse or took an excuse."
Florence Nightingale

The Oxford dictionary defines an excuse as an attempt to lessen the blame attached to a person, act, or fault. I used to think I was giving an explanation for our behavior, only to hear it called an excuse. I would say now that an excuse is our reason why we performed in an unsatisfactory way. All this does however is make sure we will continue to perform in an unsatisfactory way. A much better explanation would be why we will not make the same mistake next time.

We love to come up with any number of explanations for our failure, except the obvious one. We blame the circumstances, or that someone else didn't do what they should have, or "the dog ate my homework". We blame anyone and everyone except the real culprit, ourselves. It is only when we take responsibility for our actions, when we don't run around blaming people, that we have a chance of being successful.

To be successful, we must not take excuses from other people either. If we don't make them responsible for their actions, we won't get satisfactory actions from them. We need to make it clear to others that next time they must do a better job.
Never give an excuse as to why you can't be successful.

Never allow other people to give you an excuse as to why they can't do what needs to be done. With no excuses, performance can only improve.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


"You were born an original. Don't die a copy."
John Mason

Where I live anyway, Halloween is a hugely popular holiday. I see more Halloween decorations than Christmas ones. I've read that adults like Halloween perhaps even more than children. Why? Undoubtedly a large part of it is because they love to dress up and pretend they are someone else. Perhaps a superhero or a entertainer they've always admired. I've never been able to understand why this is so attractive. I would rather just be myself.

You were born an original. God gave you a combination of gifts that nobody else has. God also gave you a combination of faults and difficulties that nobody else has that are designed to get you to learn, grow, and develop. You have your own unique purpose which is why you have to follow your own unique path in life. You are special because you are unique. Celebrate your uniqueness, even while you celebrate the uniqueness of others. Remember that nobody is better or worse than anyone else, and that includes you. Don't die a mere copy of someone else.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


"If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

So often, when we look at someone else, we only see him as something that is either for us or against us. We see him as somebody who we can get something from, or as somebody who will prevent us from having what we want. We don't see him as a person, but as something to be used or avoided. We don't see that he has many things in common with us, but just focus on the ways that he is not like us.

We fight each other because we want to have control over each other. If the other person won't give me what I want, then he needs to be eliminated, or at least made powerless to do me any harm. We are all focused on what we want, and we are determined to get it at all costs. We are not looking on the enemy as another human being, but as some object that can be pushed out of our way.

If we could only realize that the other person is hurting just as much as we are, then we would be able to see his humanity. We would show him more compassion. All of us have known sorrow and suffering. It is part of the human condition. All of us secretly long for peace, because we know at some level, that peace is the only thing that is going to make the suffering go away. If we only would realize that our enemy wants peace as much as we do, then perhaps we could work together with him to make it happen.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Feel Rich

"If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy."

Are you poor? Do you live in a run-down house in a rowdy neighborhood? Do you drive a beat-up old car? Do your kids play in hand-me-down clothes? Do you shop at thrift stores? Does any of that mean that you're really poor?

If you think about it, you are only judging yourself as poor because you know that other people have more than you. Perhaps your neighbor has a fancy car and goes out to eat every night and you wish you could do that too. But maybe you are comparing yourself to the wrong person. If you compare yourself to those homeless people who go for days about food and have nobody to talk to, you would realize just how rich you really are.

Money is only a comparative indicator of wealth. It comes and goes, sometimes very quickly and sometimes repeatedly. It means very little in the end. The really important things, the ones that last, are the ones that money can't buy. No matter how poor we think we are, we can always enjoy a beautiful sunset. We can feel the sunshine on our shoulders and gentle summer breezes. We can enjoy old and new friendships, and usually family ties too. There still is love and laughter if we look for it. We have life. We have our intelligence. We all have untold riches that money can't buy. If you actually started counting the things you are grateful for in your life, you'd be surprised at how many you can come up with.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009


"Knowing I need to listen and knowing how to listen is not enough. Unless I want to listen, unless I have the desire, it won't be a habit in my life."
Steven R Covey

Do you really want to listen? Sometimes we get needing and wanting confused. And then we confuse what we really want with what other people want for us, or what they think we should want. We don't actually need very much other than to eat enough so that we're not hungry and sleep comfortably, and have a home to live in. Just about everything else is a want. Sometimes other people tell us that we need something and we beleive them. But nobody can know what you really need, or want, except you.

We often think that we want something just because someone else has told us that we should want it. Sometimes we want something because we want to please someone else who we know would be happy if we got it. Neither of these are authentic wants. They don't belong to you. Eventually you will end up feeling badly about what you are doing and resenting the person who made the request.

In order for something to become a habit in your life, it must be an authentic want. You must desire it because you can see how it will make you happier or move you towards your goals. If you know how to do it and do not wish to, then it won't get done; and certainly not consistently done for the 21 days that it takes for anything to become a habit.

Don't waste your energy trying to make something into a habit just to please someone else, or because you feel you need to. Only do those things you authentically want to do. Once you succeed in making them a habit, then reaching your goals will get easier.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009


"The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers"
Walter P. Chrysler

Are you busy looking for four-leaf clovers? Are you searching for Lady Luck? We all want to be lucky, because we assume that when someone else is really successful and they appear to have no obvious advantage over us, that it must have been good luck. We think that if we could only be blessed by Lady Luck, then we could be successful too. But being successful is not just luck and it is not by accident.

People who are successful get that way because they are paying attention. They know what they want, so when some opportunity to get that comes along they see it for what it is and act on it. They don't wait for the perfect time to get started moving towards their goal. They get out there now, moving towards being around what they want so an opportunity is more likely to come to them. They are in the right place to spot it and they are actively looking for it. And they know better how to take advantage of it, than does the person who is just dreaming of being lucky enough to reach his goal.

When opportunity comes knocking, don't be out looking for four-leaf clovers in the backyard. Focus on your goal, take action now, and actively look for your opportunities so that you can take advantage of them when they come to you.

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Friday, January 23, 2009


"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes in to us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands, and hopes we've learned something from yesterday."
John Wayne

How do you feel about tomorrow? Do you look forward to it or do you dread it? Most of us assume that tomorrow will be a continuation of yesterday. When we wake up in the morning, we immediately start thinking about the unresolved problems of yesterday. We drag yesterday into today instead of starting the day fresh so that it can actually be different from yesterday. Our problems never really get resolved, they just keep moving into each new day as it starts. That's why there's no real changes in our lives.

So often something bad happens, and we don't learn from it because we are too busy denying it happened or finding some excuse for why it wasn't our fault. That's why we tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over. That's why it's so important to admit your mistakes and learn what you can from them, but then forgive yourself and let it go so it doesn't keep coming back to haunt you.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just wake up and say "I am going to enjoy whatever this day brings me because I am going to start fresh. I am not going to worry about what went wrong yesterday because I have learned my lesson from it, and trust that I will not make the same mistake again. I am eager to see what new lessons I will learn today." This way, we can make steady improvement each day towards making real changes in our lives.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our Business

Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly a hand.
Thomas Carlyle

Are you always thinking about the future. We want to predict the future. That's why gipsies can make money peering into crystal balls and predicting that some tall, dark, and handsome man will come into your life, or that you'll die next year. We are always wondering what the future holds for us. We are trying to see what lies dimly at a distance. But the truth is that what the future holds for us depends a great deal on what we do today. We shape our own future.

Our grand business is to do what lies clearly at hand. It is a good idea to know what you want to happen in the future, but then you must do something to increase the odds that it turns out that way. Once we know what we want, it will become clear to us what needs to be done to make it happen. Then we just need to do it, without procrastinating, or worrying about whether it will work, or feeling lazy. As the commercial says, "Just Do It". If you want a better future, it is up to you to make it happen. Do what you know you need to do to get the life you want.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


"Nothing of great value in life comes easily. The things of highest value sometimes come hard. The gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, as do the diamonds."
Norman Vincent Peale

We all want something for nothing. We all are searching for the best deal. How much can I get for the least amount of money, effort, or time. We want the easy way out, the shortest and quickest way to get to our goals. We are always looking for a shortcut, even if it takes us into unfamiliar territory we figure it is worth it. How often have you tried to take a shortcut, got lost, and ended up taking more time to get to where you were going than it would have if you had taken the longer but more familiar path?

The more you pay in order to get something, the more you appreciate it and value it. When something is given to you for free, you unconsciously assume that it has no value, and that it is easily replaceable, and you treat it as such. When you go through much sweat and tears in order to get something, you treat it very well because you really don't want to go through all that effort and pain again to get another one.

We've all heard before that "There's no such thing as a free lunch" but we all want one anyway. We know intuitively that something that is expensive is of better quality, but we still look for something cheap. The truth is that the greatest effort and the greatest risk, will lead to the best reward. You really do get what you pay for, whether it's with money, effort, or time. The most valuable diamonds are the ones that lie deepest within the earth. Dare to work hard so that you can reach the most valuable treasures.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change. "
Wayne Dyer

How do you look at things? We take for granted that everyone sees things the same way because there is only one way to see them. We never think to question whether what we're seeing is what's really out there. Of course it is. However, all it takes is a few optical illusions for us to realize that our eyes do not always tell the truth.

It is also the case that when we look at something close up it looks very different than when we see it at a distance, in the context of the things that surround it. The closer we are to something the harder it is to actually identify it. Perhaps you have seen photographs of things taken very close up and it is really hard to figure out what they are. What we're looking at very close up seems scarier because we don't really know what we are looking at and because it is more immediate and we are more involved with it. So often bad situations are not so bad when you can see the surrounding context, the big picture. It all depends on how you look at them.

When you see something, you are seeing it in a way that depends on your habitual beleifs. When you understand that it is your beleifs that affect how you see the object, instead of the object affecting your beleifs, you are looking at it differently from how most people see things. Most people think that the object is making them feel bad, when really it is their own beleifs that are making them feel bad. It all depends on how you look at it.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Look at things within the context of the bigger picture. Look at things and circumstances as not being the source of your unhappiness but as something to help you grow by teaching you an important lesson. Look at things through a lens of love rather than fear. Your life will be a whole lot better.

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Monday, January 19, 2009


Live by what you believe so fully that your life blossoms, or else purge the fear-and-guilt producing beliefs from your life. When people believe one thing and do something else, they are inviting misery. If you give yourself the name, play the game. When you believe something you don't follow with your heart, intellect, and body, it hurts. Don't do that to yourself. Live your belief, or let that belief go. If you are not actively living a belief, it's not really your belief, anyway."
Roger John

Do you practise what you preach? Do you even know what you really beleive? We have so many beleifs that come from our childhood and we are so familiar with them that we don't even notice them any more. We can't see the contradictions that are often there between our different beleifs or how inaccurate they are. We can't see how they do us a great disservice, making our lives miserable. It takes a lot of courage and persistance to really notice them.

Sometimes you will intellectually beleive one thing and on a deeper level beleive it's opposite, and the deeper unconscious level will always win out whenever you have to act on a beleif. Most of us don't understand that just because you intellectually know something doesn't mean you beleive it or will act on it when the situation arises. It is then, your actions, that show the world what you really beleive. This is why people will always judge you by your actions over by what you tell them.

Since it hurts when you beleive something but do something else, it makes sense to make sure that what you beleive is what you really want to do. If your beleif drives you to actions that hurt you, let that beleif go. Find and nurture a beleif that drives you to actions that benefit you; drive it deep into your unconscious so that it will indeed guide your actions. Don't hurt yourself by living a lie, or by living a painful truth.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009


"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

How much love do you really give yourself. Many of us are quick to point out all the things that are wrong with their body. We are too fat or too thin, or our legs are too short or our hands are too big. We worry about what the food we are eating will do to our bodies (because we beleive that it will make them worse in some way). We are never satisfied with our appearance. We even wear makeup as if our own features were inadequate by themselves.

We also are quick to point out what is wrong with our minds. We are too talkative or too quiet. We have all kinds of annoying habits. We are too shy or too aggressive. We are too fast or too slow. We are never good enough. We have such a hard time complementing other people because we never compliment ourselves. We don't know how to appreciate people.

If you don't love yourself, who can you love. You know yourself better than anyone else, so you should be able to find more reasons to love yourself than someone else you don't know very well. Nobody deserves your love more than you do. Nobody is as important to you as yourself. Give yourself at least as much love and affection as you give others. Treat yourself well. You deserve it.

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Friday, January 16, 2009


"I've always believed no matter how many shots I miss, I'm
going to make the next one."
Johnathon Swift

Johnathon Swift had a great beleif. In order to succeed, you are going to make mistakes, and encounter setbacks and failures. It is the fear of making mistakes and encountering setbacks and failures that prevents so many of us from getting started to take action towards our dreams. We are terrified of failure. We have some illogical beleif that if we don't succeed at anything easily and quickly, then we are incompetant. The truth is that nobody succeeds easily and quickly, and the more significant and valuable the goal, the more difficult and slow the journey to get there is.

it is the faith that you will inevitably succeed eventually that keeps successful people going. They don't focus on how many shots they previously missed. They look forward to the next one. They continually beleive that the next time they will succeed. They never give up and go home, back to their comfort zone. They aren't afraid to make mistakes because they learn from their mistakes and know that these lessons make it more likely that they will indeed succeed next time. Success is inevitable as long as they keep trying.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009


"Failures are divided into two classes- Those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought"
John Charles Salak

There are two ways to fail at something, and consequently only one way to succeed.
If you think about something, even visualize,wish for, and dream about something, and you don't take action to get it you are going to fail. What you want is not going to just drop into your lap. You have to go out and get it. Taking action is a fundamental part of success.

However, if you take action without stopping to think about why you are taking action, about your goals and what you want to acheive, you will also fail. Thinking about something, visualizing it, wishing for it, and dreaming about it is also a fundamental part of success. If you take action without having a goal in mind then you'll be just wandering around in circles, not knowing when you find something.

To be successful, you need to have a goal that is clearly visualized and wished for, and you also need to take action towards acheiving that goal. Both parts of the equation must be in place to ensure that you will not fail to get what you want.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009


"Life Is A Challenge - Meet It! Life Is A Song - Sing It! Life Is A Dream - Realize It! Life Is A Game - Play It! Life Is Love - Enjoy It!"
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Life can be viewed in many ways. In order to have a successful life, you can see life as a challenge and meet it. Find a difficult challenge so that you can have fun discovering your abilities. The bigger the challenge you meet, the better you will feel about yourself and your life. You can see life as a song and sing it. A song can be very emotional, and the more deeply you express your emotions the more you can enjoy life. You can see life as a dream and realize it. Find a powerful goal that you can strive to realize. The more inspiring your goal, the more you will enjoy working towards it.

You can see life as a game and play it. Lighten up and don't take things so seriously. You will lose some and win some and that's okay. Just have fun. You can see life as love and enjoy it. The only life worth living is one in which you love the people and things all around you. We all need to love and to feel loved. We are all connected. Enjoy the love you feel.

Life can be all those things, and indeed should be if it is to be a life well lived. Meet the Challenge. Sing the Song. Realize the Dream. Play the Game. And most of all, Enjoy the Love.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009


"Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle."
Annie Besant

Do you feel like life is an adventure? Or do you feel like it is a drudgery of spending your days doing your "grown-up responsibilities" of doing your job and keeping your family and friends happy. We all need a little playtime. We need something that excites us.

Life becomes an adventure only when we expect the unexpected. It becomes exciting when we never quite know what will happen next, but anticipate it to probably be something good. We know that there will be battles that we will lose, but also others that we will win. We know that we will meet fascinating comrades who are fun and helpful to share our journey with, and that we will encounter many joys.

The secret to living life fully is to be brave and gallant about it. We can't be so afraid of mistakes, failures, and lost battles that we just stay home and do nothing. We have to be ready for sport, for challenge. There are always risks, but the rewards of going out and getting in the game are huge. They more than make up for it.

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Monday, January 12, 2009


"Fun is fundamental. There is no way around it. You absolutely must have fun. Without fun, there is no enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm, there is no energy. Without energy, there are only shades of gray."
Doug Hall

How often do you have fun in your life? Do you spend most of your time fullfilling your responsibilities, and then are so exhausted that you crash in front of the T.V.
That's no way to live. Life just gets to be a meaningless routine. We all need to have more fun.

What is fun anyway? The dictionary defines fun as a source of amusement or entertainment but I would define fun as surprising yourself with your abilities. Having fun is realizing that you can do something that you thought that you couldn't.
It is exhilerating.

It is when you understand that you have greater abilities than you thought you did, that you acquire the energy to do more and more difficult things. The more difficult things you attempt, the more fun it is to discover that you can actually do them. You find greater and greater enthusiasm for testing your abilities.

Fun is fundamental. If you are not having fun, you are not growing and humans were meant to be continually growing. Without the energy and enthusiam that comes from having fun, your life becomes dull and monotonous and grey. If you want to be successful at anything, you must find a way to have fun regularly

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Sunday, January 11, 2009


"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery."
Samuel Smiles

It is amazing to learn about all the inventions and scientific discoveries that happened because someone made a mistake. Christopher Columbus made a big mistake when he sailed to America; he thought he was sailing to the Orient. Coca Cola was originally intended to be a medicine. Goodyear was looking for a way to make rubber so that it didn't melt if it got too hot or shatter if it got to cold. It wasn't until, according to legend, he accidently dropped a blob of rubber and sulfur on a hot stove that he found something that would work.

Another example is vaccination. In 1879, Louis Pasteur inoculated some chickens with cholera bacteria. It was supposed to kill them, but Pasteur or one of his assistants had accidentally used a culture from an old jar and the chickens merely got sick and recovered. Later, Pasteur inoculated them again with a fresh culture that he knew to be virulent, and the chickens didn't even get sick. He had accidently discovered the principle of vaccination.

Potato chips were invented when one day a restaurant customer sent back his plate of potatoes several times. He kept asking that the potatoes be cut thinner and fried longer. The chef had a bad temper, and decided to get even. He sliced the potatoes very thin, fried them until they were crisps, and salted them. He was sure the guest would hate them. The potatos were delivered back to the table and much to everyone’s surprise the customer was very happy and asked for more.

Many discoveries have been made while the scientist was looking for the answer to another problem. You might say that they failed, since they didn't find an answer to their original problem. But in their failure, they learned something that changed the world.

Never be afraid of making mistakes. If nobody had made a mistake in the past, the world would have missed a lot of great discoveries. We often find out what will do by finding out what will not do. We often can use our mistakes to solve other problems that we hadn't previously considered, provided that we are paying attention instead of worrying about failing.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009


"Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality"
Ralph Marston

What do you expect your performance to be like? Do you judge your performance according to how you performed yesterday, or how you have performed other tasks which may or may not be similar to the one you are contemplating performing now? If you base your expectation of how well you will perform on how well you have performed in the past, that guarantees that you will perform the same way. There will be no growth in your abilities.

Do you expect yourself to perform well regardless of the situation? If so, you have developed a standard of performance that you always hold yourself to. Then you can raise your level of performance to meet that expectation. Having high expectations of your performance will increase your energy and motivation too. Whatever your expectation of yourself, you will be motivated to do whatever you need to do in order to live up to your expectations. Always expect highly of yourself, then do whatever is required for you to prove you are indeed that good at what you do.

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Friday, January 9, 2009


"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."

Brian Tracy

We typically grumble about our circumstances all day long. We grumble about our jobs. We grumble about the behavior of our family. We grumble about the state of the economy. We grumble about the potholes in the roads we drive on. We grumble about the fact that some people are more successful than we are. We grumble about the stupid things that other people do. We even grumble about the stupid things that we do ourselves. But that's a bad attitude. We are noticing all the bad things in our lives.

What if we saw all those annoying things and realized that they were all meant for our own growth and development? What if we could spot the lesson in them that was meant for us? What if we could find a gift in those circumstances? What if we could find the opportunities hidden in each of our challenges. We'd certainly lead happier lives.

Give thanks for everything that happens to you, and look for the good in it, the opportunities, the lessons, the gifts. The greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity that is hidden within it. We just need to find it. If, for example, we suddenly got a terminal illness, we could complain about it and feel sorry for ourselves. Or we could spot the opportunity to get our lives in order, find out what is most important to us, and maybe even to educate and inspire others to avoid getting the illness themselves. The quality of your life completely depends on your attitude towards the challenges, and opportunities, that life presents to you.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009


"That manuscript that has just come back from another editor is a previous package. Don't consider it rejected. Consider that you've addressed it "to the editor who can appreciate my work" and it has simply come back stamped "not at this address". Just keep looking for the right address."
Barbara Kingsolver

Rejection really hurts. We want so much for everyone to like us. But nobody is liked by everyone. We are all looking for different qualities in people, each person has a set of qualities that his unique personality and experience has made desireable to him. Nobody can have every quality desired by everyone. But everyone has qualities desired by at least one person. The trick is to find that someone. Sometimes it takes a lot of perseverance and a lot of rejection before you find the person who really appreciates you.

So many of us ask for something, and when the person says no, we give up. We often don't even think of asking anyone else. The reason a small child is so successful at getting what he wants is that he will keep asking and asking until he wears his parents down and they finally agree. A small child doesn't give up, and neither should you. The same tactic works among adults too. It is also very important to ask different people, if the first person really can't give you what you want. You need to keep finding different people to ask until you find one who says yes; one who appreciates your work and your request. Just keep looking for the right person.
He's out there somewhere.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What We Can Do

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would solve most of the world's problems."

How much do you think you can do? We tend to spend our lives repeating old habits of both thought and action. We settle into a comfort zone where we don't have to think about how to do things all the time because we already know how to do them. When something new comes up, we deal with it and quickly settle back into our habits.
It is only in those situations when the world throws something really big at us that we realize, to our surprise, that we are capable of much more than we thought we were.

How much are we really capable of. Most of us will never know because we beleive that we are incapable, at least in certain situations, and because we don't often get an opportunity to find out how much we can do. Most of our lives are pretty habitual and straightforward. We don't have any burning need to do something extraordinary. As long as the job's going well and family and friends are happy, then that's all that really matters to us.

Few of us really beleive that we can deal with any situation that may come up. We doubt our abilities so we tend to not try to do those things we are afraid that we won't be able to do. We have a tendency to quit at the first roadblock.

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would solve most of the world's problems. All we need to do is to discover what we are capable of. We need to get out of our comfort zones, and develop a burning need to change the world. We will amaze ourselves when we learn what our true capabilities are.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009


"Every morning is a fresh beginning. Every day is the world made new. Today is a new day. Today is my world made new. I have lived all my life up to this moment, to come to this day. This moment--this day--is as good as any moment in all eternity. I shall make of this day--each moment of this day--a heaven on earth. This is my day of opportunity."
Dan Custer

Do you start the day fresh? Or do you start it worrying about what went wrong yesterday, or what might go wrong today because of it? Most of us live in the past. Our egos are built out of past experiences, and even when we think about the future, most of the time we are just projecting past experiences into the future. Even our laws talk about precedent.

But in reality the future doesn't have to have anything to do with the past. The future depends on what we do right now. All our power to change anything is in this moment. The past is over and done with. We may not like it but the only thing we can do about it is to correct our mistakes or do damage control as much as we can today. We can only act in the present. We can only ensure a desirable future by doing all the right things right now. If we are busy worrying about what happened in the past, we are not holding our full attention on what we can do right now to move towards our goals.

This moment is as good as any to get started towards our goals. There is no reason to wait. Why not take each moment and make it a special moment, a heaven on earth. This is your day of opportunity. This moment is your only opportunity. Make sure you seize it!

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Monday, January 5, 2009


"Remember you will not always win. Some days, the most resourceful individual will taste defeat. But there is, in this case, always tomorrow - after you have done your best to achieve success today."
Maxwell Maltz

It is hard to accept that we will not always win. We want to win so badly. Some people will do anything to win, no matter how much it hurts others. We tend to think that if only we had more resources, more time, more money, more energy, then we could always win. But nobody can win all the time. Some days, even the best of individuals will lose.

Most of us, after we have tasted defeat, think that the defeat means that we will never get what we want; it's just too difficult for us. We quit. But every roadblock has some way to get around it. The truth is that the greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity that is hidden within it. There is always tomorrow. Today's defeats can't be changed. Learn from them and carry on again tomorrow. Don't let them stop you. You're not a failure until you fail to try.

Do your best to acheive success today, but if it doesn't work out then never forget that there still is tomorrow and things may work out then. We have a whole life ahead of us, and more lives to come. There is plenty of time for things to work out. Don't give up just because you lost today. There's still tomorrow.

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Sunday, January 4, 2009


"It's not the burdens of everyday that drive men mad. It is the regret of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves that rob us of today."

We are living in a time when there are all kinds of reasons to be afraid of tomorrow. We are afraid of what the economy might do. We are worried about our jobs, our investments, even our favorite organizations. We are afraid of terrorism, and the effects of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We all have regrets about yesterday. We regret some of the things we did, and a lot of the things we didn't do. We are afraid that the window of opportunity has closed for us. Sometimes we sit and say "What if ... had happened?" That's a real waste of time because we can't do anything about what has already happened except learn from it. No matter how big a mistake we made in the past, it's over with. "There's no use crying over spilt milk". We need to move ahead, and do what we need to do in the present.

The burdens we have today are not so bad. They seem difficult because we are afraid that the results of our work will not be good enough, something that we can't possibly know right now. They seem difficult because we see them as something we shouldn't have to be doing if ... had happened in the past. We see them as difficult because we are either worried about the future or regretting the past.

We must concentrate on doing our work today. If we do our best work today, that is the most effective way to ensure the best possible future. And we can't do our best work today if our mind is halfway in the past, and regretting that we have to do this work at all.

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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting Started

"It was all right to talk about it. They made plans. They had a moment's vision, a fleeting dream. But in the end, some lack in their moral fiber, some gnawing, nibbling fear held them back. They never started. They stayed where they were. They dropped back. They failed somehow to release within themselves that power which lies in every individual, and is released only when he starts forward in a straight line for the object about which he has dreamed. The man who never starts, never feels that sense of power."
Ray Dickinson

Does this sound like you? We are full of fears that hold us back. We are afraid of failure and we are even afraid of success. We are afraid to leave our comfort zone. We are afraid of other people's expectations of us. We are afraid of hurting other people, or even of making them jealous. We're afraid of taking risks and of losing whatever we have now. Fear is omnipresent.

The truth is that you can't succeed without taking risks. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. The only way to significantly change for the better is to overcome all those fears. We have to step out of our comfort zone and do different things in different ways. We have to act. We have to get started.

Once you get started, everything just gets easier and easier. You release our inner power. Once you get started, things start to fall into place. When you keep your eye on your goal and start taking even the tiniest actions towards it, you will see how to keep going, and how to find the resources you need. The closer you get to your goal, the more excited you will be and the faster you will get there. But you have to get started first. That's the hardest part of the journey.

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Friday, January 2, 2009


"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action."
Napoleon Hill

It is one thing to decide exactly what you really want to accomplish in your life, or even in this year. Setting good goals requires a lot of self-knowledge and soul-searching. Most people don't even get that far. They have desires but they are vague wishes that will happen "someday". They are too busy coping with all the little things that are going on right now to think about what they really want for the future. They assume the future will be much like the present.

Perhaps you know what you want to happen in the future but you don't see any way to make it happen. This is when you must trust your intuition and be willing to step out of your comfort zone. It is essential to create an action plan. You need to have some idea of how you will get started moving towards your goal.

Once you find a way to get started, you will get better ideas about how to continue. Getting started is the most important thing. Don't wait until you are ready, because we are never really ready to do something unless we can see perfectly how everything will work out. This isn't going to happen when you have a big goal. Just get started. Always keep your eye on the goal and the most efficient road to get there will come into focus as you start travelling on it. Create a plan and begin at once. Success will happen before you know it.

For ideas about how to become truly successful, visit

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Step Forward

"We must determine whether we really want freedom--whether we are willing to dare the perils of...rebirth... For we never take a step forward without surrendering something that we may have held dear, without dying to that which has been."
Virginia Hanson

2009 is now here. It is a new year, pregnant with possibilities. This is a time when we make resolutions. It is a time when we decide how we want this year to be better than last year. It is a time when we plan how to make this year any different from last year. It is a kind of rebirth.

First of all, we need to decide if we really want this year to be better than the last one. After all, if this year is substantially better than the last one, the only way to make that happen is to leave our comfort zone. We would have to take risks, and to sacrifice some things. Your life can't be substantially better this year than last unless it is substantially changed from last year.

Are you prepared to take the risks that are necessary to get what you want? Are you prepared to sacrifice some things that you may have held dear in order to get some things that are even better? You must decide for yourself how much you really want change. Even good changes require that you leave your old world behind. You must die to that which has been good in the past, to get something better in the future.

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