Wednesday, January 28, 2009


"You were born an original. Don't die a copy."
John Mason

Where I live anyway, Halloween is a hugely popular holiday. I see more Halloween decorations than Christmas ones. I've read that adults like Halloween perhaps even more than children. Why? Undoubtedly a large part of it is because they love to dress up and pretend they are someone else. Perhaps a superhero or a entertainer they've always admired. I've never been able to understand why this is so attractive. I would rather just be myself.

You were born an original. God gave you a combination of gifts that nobody else has. God also gave you a combination of faults and difficulties that nobody else has that are designed to get you to learn, grow, and develop. You have your own unique purpose which is why you have to follow your own unique path in life. You are special because you are unique. Celebrate your uniqueness, even while you celebrate the uniqueness of others. Remember that nobody is better or worse than anyone else, and that includes you. Don't die a mere copy of someone else.

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