Wednesday, January 14, 2009


"Life Is A Challenge - Meet It! Life Is A Song - Sing It! Life Is A Dream - Realize It! Life Is A Game - Play It! Life Is Love - Enjoy It!"
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Life can be viewed in many ways. In order to have a successful life, you can see life as a challenge and meet it. Find a difficult challenge so that you can have fun discovering your abilities. The bigger the challenge you meet, the better you will feel about yourself and your life. You can see life as a song and sing it. A song can be very emotional, and the more deeply you express your emotions the more you can enjoy life. You can see life as a dream and realize it. Find a powerful goal that you can strive to realize. The more inspiring your goal, the more you will enjoy working towards it.

You can see life as a game and play it. Lighten up and don't take things so seriously. You will lose some and win some and that's okay. Just have fun. You can see life as love and enjoy it. The only life worth living is one in which you love the people and things all around you. We all need to love and to feel loved. We are all connected. Enjoy the love you feel.

Life can be all those things, and indeed should be if it is to be a life well lived. Meet the Challenge. Sing the Song. Realize the Dream. Play the Game. And most of all, Enjoy the Love.

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