Friday, January 9, 2009


"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."

Brian Tracy

We typically grumble about our circumstances all day long. We grumble about our jobs. We grumble about the behavior of our family. We grumble about the state of the economy. We grumble about the potholes in the roads we drive on. We grumble about the fact that some people are more successful than we are. We grumble about the stupid things that other people do. We even grumble about the stupid things that we do ourselves. But that's a bad attitude. We are noticing all the bad things in our lives.

What if we saw all those annoying things and realized that they were all meant for our own growth and development? What if we could spot the lesson in them that was meant for us? What if we could find a gift in those circumstances? What if we could find the opportunities hidden in each of our challenges. We'd certainly lead happier lives.

Give thanks for everything that happens to you, and look for the good in it, the opportunities, the lessons, the gifts. The greater the challenge, the greater the opportunity that is hidden within it. We just need to find it. If, for example, we suddenly got a terminal illness, we could complain about it and feel sorry for ourselves. Or we could spot the opportunity to get our lives in order, find out what is most important to us, and maybe even to educate and inspire others to avoid getting the illness themselves. The quality of your life completely depends on your attitude towards the challenges, and opportunities, that life presents to you.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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