Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What We Can Do

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would solve most of the world's problems."

How much do you think you can do? We tend to spend our lives repeating old habits of both thought and action. We settle into a comfort zone where we don't have to think about how to do things all the time because we already know how to do them. When something new comes up, we deal with it and quickly settle back into our habits.
It is only in those situations when the world throws something really big at us that we realize, to our surprise, that we are capable of much more than we thought we were.

How much are we really capable of. Most of us will never know because we beleive that we are incapable, at least in certain situations, and because we don't often get an opportunity to find out how much we can do. Most of our lives are pretty habitual and straightforward. We don't have any burning need to do something extraordinary. As long as the job's going well and family and friends are happy, then that's all that really matters to us.

Few of us really beleive that we can deal with any situation that may come up. We doubt our abilities so we tend to not try to do those things we are afraid that we won't be able to do. We have a tendency to quit at the first roadblock.

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would solve most of the world's problems. All we need to do is to discover what we are capable of. We need to get out of our comfort zones, and develop a burning need to change the world. We will amaze ourselves when we learn what our true capabilities are.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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