Tuesday, January 20, 2009


When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change. "
Wayne Dyer

How do you look at things? We take for granted that everyone sees things the same way because there is only one way to see them. We never think to question whether what we're seeing is what's really out there. Of course it is. However, all it takes is a few optical illusions for us to realize that our eyes do not always tell the truth.

It is also the case that when we look at something close up it looks very different than when we see it at a distance, in the context of the things that surround it. The closer we are to something the harder it is to actually identify it. Perhaps you have seen photographs of things taken very close up and it is really hard to figure out what they are. What we're looking at very close up seems scarier because we don't really know what we are looking at and because it is more immediate and we are more involved with it. So often bad situations are not so bad when you can see the surrounding context, the big picture. It all depends on how you look at them.

When you see something, you are seeing it in a way that depends on your habitual beleifs. When you understand that it is your beleifs that affect how you see the object, instead of the object affecting your beleifs, you are looking at it differently from how most people see things. Most people think that the object is making them feel bad, when really it is their own beleifs that are making them feel bad. It all depends on how you look at it.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Look at things within the context of the bigger picture. Look at things and circumstances as not being the source of your unhappiness but as something to help you grow by teaching you an important lesson. Look at things through a lens of love rather than fear. Your life will be a whole lot better.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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