Friday, January 16, 2009


"I've always believed no matter how many shots I miss, I'm
going to make the next one."
Johnathon Swift

Johnathon Swift had a great beleif. In order to succeed, you are going to make mistakes, and encounter setbacks and failures. It is the fear of making mistakes and encountering setbacks and failures that prevents so many of us from getting started to take action towards our dreams. We are terrified of failure. We have some illogical beleif that if we don't succeed at anything easily and quickly, then we are incompetant. The truth is that nobody succeeds easily and quickly, and the more significant and valuable the goal, the more difficult and slow the journey to get there is.

it is the faith that you will inevitably succeed eventually that keeps successful people going. They don't focus on how many shots they previously missed. They look forward to the next one. They continually beleive that the next time they will succeed. They never give up and go home, back to their comfort zone. They aren't afraid to make mistakes because they learn from their mistakes and know that these lessons make it more likely that they will indeed succeed next time. Success is inevitable as long as they keep trying.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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