Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting Started

"It was all right to talk about it. They made plans. They had a moment's vision, a fleeting dream. But in the end, some lack in their moral fiber, some gnawing, nibbling fear held them back. They never started. They stayed where they were. They dropped back. They failed somehow to release within themselves that power which lies in every individual, and is released only when he starts forward in a straight line for the object about which he has dreamed. The man who never starts, never feels that sense of power."
Ray Dickinson

Does this sound like you? We are full of fears that hold us back. We are afraid of failure and we are even afraid of success. We are afraid to leave our comfort zone. We are afraid of other people's expectations of us. We are afraid of hurting other people, or even of making them jealous. We're afraid of taking risks and of losing whatever we have now. Fear is omnipresent.

The truth is that you can't succeed without taking risks. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. The only way to significantly change for the better is to overcome all those fears. We have to step out of our comfort zone and do different things in different ways. We have to act. We have to get started.

Once you get started, everything just gets easier and easier. You release our inner power. Once you get started, things start to fall into place. When you keep your eye on your goal and start taking even the tiniest actions towards it, you will see how to keep going, and how to find the resources you need. The closer you get to your goal, the more excited you will be and the faster you will get there. But you have to get started first. That's the hardest part of the journey.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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