Monday, January 26, 2009

Feel Rich

"If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy."

Are you poor? Do you live in a run-down house in a rowdy neighborhood? Do you drive a beat-up old car? Do your kids play in hand-me-down clothes? Do you shop at thrift stores? Does any of that mean that you're really poor?

If you think about it, you are only judging yourself as poor because you know that other people have more than you. Perhaps your neighbor has a fancy car and goes out to eat every night and you wish you could do that too. But maybe you are comparing yourself to the wrong person. If you compare yourself to those homeless people who go for days about food and have nobody to talk to, you would realize just how rich you really are.

Money is only a comparative indicator of wealth. It comes and goes, sometimes very quickly and sometimes repeatedly. It means very little in the end. The really important things, the ones that last, are the ones that money can't buy. No matter how poor we think we are, we can always enjoy a beautiful sunset. We can feel the sunshine on our shoulders and gentle summer breezes. We can enjoy old and new friendships, and usually family ties too. There still is love and laughter if we look for it. We have life. We have our intelligence. We all have untold riches that money can't buy. If you actually started counting the things you are grateful for in your life, you'd be surprised at how many you can come up with.

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