Saturday, February 27, 2010


In Heaven an angel is nobody in particular.
George Bernard Shaw

One of the first things we learn in life is to categorize and compare. It helps us make sense of an often confusing world. We notice what is similar and what is different. And why. And once we have identified the differences between two things, it is only a small and natural step to decide which one we prefer.

We can't help having preferences. Where we get into trouble is deciding that one thing is good and another is bad; or one thing is better and another is worse. We start judging the worth of things, as if everyone's preferences should be the same as ours. But who are we to judge the worth of God's creations? The truth is that all of God's creations are good, for someone or something, if not for us.

In Heaven an angel is nobody in particular. In other words, everyone is an angel so nobody is better than someone else. When everyone is of equal status then none of them stand out. Imagine a world where nobody is better or worse than everyone else. If we loved one person, even ourselves, then we would love everybody just as much. No exclusions. We wouldn't have to be exceptional to be loved. We wouldn't have to prove our worth to everyone. We would just have to be ourselves. This would be Heaven on Earth.

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