Saturday, February 13, 2010


Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Michael Pritchard

Very often we have a hard time identifying what we are really feeling. Or connecting our feelings with our thoughts. Sometimes when we feel one emotion strongly we are able to identify it and what thoughts we have that are connected to it. But so often our emotion has shades of several different feelings; just like green has shades of blue and yellow. This is what makes our reactions to things in our environment so diverse. And so confusing. It is often as difficult to identify all the emotions you feel about something as it is to identify all the colors that make up brown.

They say there are only two real emotions; love and fear. Love is everything that makes you feel good and fear is everything that makes you feel bad. When you are angry, you are really afraid. When you are jealous or resentful, you are really afraid. When you are depressed, you are really afraid. It is your judgement of the situation, your thoughts, that give anger, jealousy and depression their unique character. Few people ever associate these feelings with fear but with some thought you can actually see what you are afraid of in each situation.

When you are angry, or resentful of someone, you are afraid that your needs will not be met. When you are jealous of someone, you are afraid that you will never be able to get all the things you really want. When you are depressed, you are afraid that the future will never get any better and may get a lot worse. Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed. Whenever you feel bad about yourself or your situation, you can be sure that fear is within you. And when fear is within you, it creates all kinds of disturbing negative thoughts. Don't allow fear to do that to you. Replace it with love and your world will get a whole lot better.

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