Saturday, February 20, 2010


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.
Benjamin Franklin

Which is more important to you: freedom or security? Many of us are afraid to take risks and try new things. We cling to what is comfortable, to what we already know, even if it is something that makes us feel bad. We are afraid of making mistakes, of losing what we have, of failing. We are content to hang around with the same people, and do the same things, that we have always done. We don't want to rock the boat. Our security seems more important than anything else.

Some of us value our freedom more than anything. We consistently are comparing the old with the new and choosing which of the two works best for us. We are always trying new things and are willing to take risks in order to do so, knowing that the greater the risk the greater the reward. We are constantly experimenting with what works best. Our freedom to choose what works best for us seems more important than anything else, including our security.

It is not healthy or wise to cling to what is comfortable and familiar, with what worked for us in the past. Because the world is always changing, and what worked for us in the past may not be the best option in the present, or even a viable option at all. When we give up our freedom in order to gain security, we are giving up the option of finding out what works best for us right now. And in a constantly changing world, sticking with the secure and comfortable may soon mean that you will have a hard time competing with those people who are free to choose, or maybe even surviving at all.

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