Friday, February 5, 2010


Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.
Arnold Palmer

In order to concentrate on getting a specific result you have to first of all beleive that there is a possibility of getting that result. And not just that somebody can acheive it, but that you yourself can acheive it. You have to have self confidence. Without self confidence you will find yourself concentrating on all the possible obstacles and roadblocks, instead of on the result that you want. You will find yourself being distracted by infinite possibilities of all the things which might go wrong.

In order to concentrate on getting a specific result you have to second of all want it, the more intensely the better. You have to want it more than anything else, otherwise you will be distracted by the possibility, and the hope, of getting that other more desirable thing. Since the other thing is now more of a priority you will put more energy into getting it, and less energy into getting the original result. And unless you want something really badly you will be distracted by all the obstacles and the distasteful chores that you will have to do in order to acheive it.

Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger. You have to have both. And unless you can fully concentrate on getting a certain result, you will never succeed in getting it. So confidence and hunger are both essential for success. You have to want it badly but you also have to beleive that you have the ability to acheive it. The trick is in having equal amounts of desire and beleif in yourself. Without them, success will elude you.

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