Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more
Anthony Robbins

It is a privilege for us to keep learning and growing. I read a book recently that suggested that our life on earth is rather like a field trip that a student makes to extend his education. The purpose of life is not just to learn about ourselves but to improve ourselves by becoming more. To refine our character and become a stronger, better person. The Buddhist religion very much supports this idea too. Life offers us excellent opportunities to learn and grow. It is our privilege to take advantage of them

Life is full of great opportunities to learn and grow. These are tricky to spot sometimes though because they look like hard work, or like things that are really unpleasant or disturbing. Very often it is the disasters that happen in our lives that turn out to be the biggest growth experiences. That is why a kind and loving God sends us tragedies. If we experienced nothing but life going our way, exactly how we wanted it to, we would have no growth, no refinement of character.

It is our responsibility to become more. And the most effective way for us to grow and become more is to help other people grow and become more too. The thing that makes humans truly different from the animals is that we are so inclined to teach each other about our world. Animals will imitate some one but they will not actively try to teach other animals. We all have a responsibility to give back by making sure that our fellow human beings also are able to grow and develop. And the wonderful thing is that this ensures our own growth and development too. There is strength in numbers. The more we all help each other, the better each of us becomes.

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