Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.
Edward Gibbon

How many times have you argued with someone because you thought his opinion was stupid. So often the real reason we argue with a person is because we want him to know that we are right, that we are more knowledgeable than he is and that he doesn't know what he is talking about. It's a superiority trip. Our ego wants to build itself up by pretending it is the best. But all this kind of arguing is essentially a waste of time and effort. It does little other than annoy others.

When you argue with someone who you feel is just as knowledgable as you are and whose opinion you respect, it feels quite different. In this situation, both people know that they could learn a lot from the ideas of the other person. It is not a case of proving to the other person that you are right any more but of working alongside the other person to learn and grow, to find the real truth. There is no real hostility or lack of respect.

Never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions you have no respect. If their opinions annoy you, just ignore them. There's no real need to pay attention to other people's opinions unless they have a some kind of power over you or over things that you care about. Save your time and attention for the people who you genuinely respect and whose opinions you value. Arguing should not be about who is right but about what is right. Egos have no place in a good argument. And an argument isn't good unless both of you feel better about what you beleive in the end.

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