Friday, February 26, 2010


Don't look for excuses to lose. Look for excuses to win.
Chi Chi Rodriguez

We are always looking for excuses. We see them as explanations as to why something has to be the way it is. I've come to understand that an excuse, the way most people see it, is simply an explanation that another person doesn't want to hear about because they think you should have got the result that they wanted anyway.

When was the last time that you didn't get the result you wanted because it was raining or because the other person wouldn't cooperate or because you couldn't afford what you thought you needed? We are experts at complaining and blaming. It is always someone else's or something else's fault. But this is just looking for an excuse to lose. It is looking for an explanation for why we didn't, or can't, succeed.

Look for excuses to win. We need to retrain our minds to notice all those things that are going right, and all those things that can help us get what we want. It's a matter of awareness, we need to be aware of all the useful things around us, instead of the problems. Maybe it is raining but that should never keep you inside and stuck. Maybe the other person won't cooperate but that might be because they don't see the benefit to them of cooperating. Maybe you can't afford something but you can trade something else for it. Notice all the ways you can take your present circumstances and turn them into an advantage for you.

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