Sunday, February 21, 2010

Give and Receive

Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.
Brian Tracy

When we give something to someone, our ego won't let us forget. We expect that the other person will give us back what we want just because we gave them something that they wanted. Our ego is counting on that, and demanding it. Some people even expect the other person to give them what they wanted even though they have never told that person what they need.

We tend to forget what we have received from people. If we remember it is often because we were disappointed that we didn't get more. Or we didn't get exactly what we want. Often we tend to remember what we got in comparison with what we gave other people and then are left feeling negative because one or the other seems unfair. We are in complaint mode. How often do you remember what a wonderful a gift you got from someone?

Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting. Don't remember what you gave someone and feel that now they owe you for it. It is your privilege to give, they have done you a favor by allowing you to do that. It is not their responsibility to reciprocate, or even acknowledge you for it.

Don't forget all the wonderful gifts you receive from the people around you. Be aware of and grateful for all gifts, even those given unintentionally and those which didn't cost them any money. Appreciate other people for all the ways they help you get what you want. Know that you could never succeed without their help. You owe them your respect and gratitude for all that they do.

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