Thursday, February 11, 2010


Solitude sharpens awareness of small pleasures otherwise lost.
Kevin Patterson

Many of us avoid solitude like the plague. We can't stand to be alone with ourselves. We crave the company of others to fill the hole that we can feel within ourself. We don't want to get to know ourselves intimately because we are afraid of what we will find there. Or of what we will not find there. We feel deep down that we are inadequate, and we secretly hope that having the company of other people all the time will make us adequate.

But although it is wonderful to have the company of other people and get to know them, it is also well worth the effort to set aside some time for solitude, to get to know yourself. After all you're just as fascinating and important as they are. You're the one person who you know will never leave you no matter how bad things get. And it is only when we are without the distractions of thinking about other people that we can really think about who we are, our strengths and weaknesses; and what the outside world means to us and what we really want in the world.

Solitude sharpens awareness of small pleasures otherwise lost. When we are concentrating on some other person, they take up all our awareness. We think about their needs instead of our own. But when we are by ourselves and our own needs come into focus, it is much easier to just stop and smell the roses because we become aware that this is what we need. There are all kinds of simple pleasures all around us that we can only become aware of when we are by ourselves. Spend some time by yourself today so you can get to know what a wonderful person you are and take advantage of the infinite blessings around you.

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