Thursday, February 25, 2010


Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.
W. T. Purkiser

The first step of gratitude is to be aware of our blessings. Many of us don't even get that far. We are too busy worrying about what will happen tomorrow, or thinking about all the things in the world that we wish were better. We are complaining or blaming. We are rushing around trying to fulfill everyone's expectations of us. Anything but to just stop and smell the roses. And blessings can be that small and simple, they don't need to be fireworks.

The second step of gratitude is to talk about our blessings. To say thank you for them. This can be hard for some of us because we don't know what language to use, or who to say it to. Saying thank you to God, to something you can't see, is tricky. As a first step, we can simply tell those people close to us how wonderful something is. And why we enjoy it so much. Especially when it is something that they did for us. It sounds simple but the truth is that most of us are starved to hear a word of thank-you for our efforts.

The final step of gratitude is to use our blessings. How we use them, is the true measure of our thanks giving. Our actions show our true feelings and motivations. It is literally true that actions speak louder than words. How are you using your blessings? Do you actually do something with those things that have been given to you? Do you find a way for them to contribute to your personal growth and development? Or do you just say "That's nice. Thank you" and be on your way searching for something else? How grateful are you really?

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