Thursday, April 30, 2009


"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Chances are, you spend a lot of time wishing. Wishing that life would be different. Wishing that you could do what you want to do. Wishing that you could have what you want to have. Wishing that there were no restrictions. We all do. We daydream about what life would be like "if only ...". But we don't get around to planning.

Probably the single biggest reason why we fail to plan is because we don't really beleive that our goal is possible for us. We don't have confidence in ourself or in our goal. Often we secretly beleive that we don't deserve to have what we want. Often we are paying attention to all the reasons why we can't reach our goal instead of paying attention to all of the reasons why we can reach it. We tell ourselves that it will cost too much, in time, money, or energy. But it takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

As soon as we beleive that success is possible for us, and that we deserve it, than planning how to get what we want becomes effortless. When getting what we want is a given, then planning how to do that becomes as fun and easy, as wishing used to be. And once we have a plan, it is that much easier to take action, and to become excited at the progress we're making. All of this speeds up the time it takes to reach your goals and become a success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Monday, April 27, 2009


"When nothing is sure, everything is possible"
Margaret Drabble

Are you sure about yourself? Are you sure about what you like and dislike, about what you are scared of and what brings you joy? Are you sure about your capabilities? Most of us are pretty sure of who we are. We are confident that we are the product of our upbringing, and our experiences, and the relationships we have had with other people. We are confident that we share the beleifs of our country and our society. We are confident of the mental, emotional, and physical differences between ourselves and the opposite sex. We know that we are masculine or feminine.

But is any of that really who we are. Since we have spent so much time and energy defining ourselves, we have closed the door to becoming anything different. There are no other possibilities for us. If we have decided we are fat, then we will always be fat. The truth is that very little of who we are can't be changed once we decide that it is possible for us to be something different than who we thought we were. The only things that really can't be changed are the physical workings of our bodies.

What would happen if you gave up the picture you have of yourself? Can you even imagine doing that? What would happen if you said "I don't understand anything at all about myself"? If you could do that, then you would be free to become anything at all. Anything would be possible. You could reinvent yourself entirely. If, for example, you decided that you weren't fat, just 200 pounds, then it would actually be much easier to lose the pounds if you still wanted to. When you don't have any picture of who you are, you can be anything. You're not bound to be true to that picture. And most of the time the pictures we have of ourselves are inaccurate anyway, largely being what other people have told us we are when they really don't know.

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"Winning is important to me, but what brings me real joy is the experience of being fully engaged in whatever I'm doing."
Phil Jackson

Everyone wants to win. Everyone wants to be the best. Our egos thrive on that. Winining lets us be proud of ourselves. It lets us think that we are worthy of admiration and perhaps even envy. We love to hear the roar of an approving crowd. For a short time, we actually feel like we are good enough. Unfortunately that good feeling never lasts long. Soon there is a new challenger and a new competition, which could be either in the same or a different part of your life.

The only way to really determine if you are good enough is when you have the experience of being fully engaged in whatever you are doing. Some people call it "flow". You lose all track of time and are unaware of anything else than what you are doing. For that period of time, your actions are the only thing in the world that matters to you. You love doing whatever you're doing enough to practically guarantee that you do a good job of it.

The way to experience true joy is to be this involved with what you are doing. What you are doing becomes an extension of you, and you of it. You love it more than anything else at that moment, and by extension, you love yourself greatly for doing it. Your activity is fun because it has become you and is your opportunity to effortlessly prove to everyone just who you are and what you can accomplish.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Sunday, April 26, 2009


The heights by great men reached and kept, Were not obtained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It's easy to be jealous of someone who has acheived great success. It's easy to think it's not fair. It looks like they became an "overnight success" One day they're an unknown just like you and me, and the next day they're an international sensation. What happened? Perhaps somebody influential discovered them doing the work they are best at. But it may have taken years to build themselves to the point that they were noticeable, until they stood out from the crowd.

People who are successful practise their craft steadily until they are really good at it. They work at it even when they're tired and don't feel like it. Athletes spend hours every single day doing drill exersises when they're not engaging in their sport. Musicians practise their instruments for hours every single day. Academics and researchers burn the midnight oil.

These people are successful because they are willing to put in the extra time and energy to perfect their work, consistently, even when it is boring or they don't feel like it. They work at it whether they want to or not. "They, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night". They are always prepared, waiting for their great moment of recognition; ready to be noticed when the right person comes along. That's why they acheive great things.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Saturday, April 25, 2009


"Belief in yourself, belief in your abilities, will override fear almost every time. The only thing we are afraid of is what we are capable of accomplishing."
Rich DiGirolamo

Do you believe in yourself? From the time we are little, we are constantly told by everyone what we can not and should not do. We are told over and over again, that someone else knows better than we do and we can not do anything if they have decided that it is not a good idea for us. We must obey the law, even if it is only the law because someone older than you came up with the idea. But the truth is that nobody knows what is truly best for you except yourself.

We need to cast off the beliefs that our family, and our school, and our society have been telling us, that simply don't serve us. The best way to do that is to try to do what we have been told that we can't do, and then see just how true that belief is. This can take a lot of courage, but it is ultimately the only way for us to grow and improve. We also need to start thinking about the choices we make, and start making them based on what we want instead of what would be convenient for others.

If you truly believe that you can accomplish something, where is the fear? Fear is something that exists only in your mind, which means that you do have some control over it. The only thing we are afraid of is the thing that we believe we can't acheive. When we believe we can accomplish whatever we want, when we believe in our true capabilities, then we will have no fear. And true success will be ours.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Thursday, April 23, 2009


"When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy."
Samuel Goldwyn

How often do you applaud when you see someone do something good? Very often we are resentful instead of being approving. We think we should have done that. We want the rewards they are getting, so we are jealous of them. "It's not fair". Perhaps we feel frustrated that they did something that we could not. But when we are resentful, jealous, and frustrated, that doesn't help either us or them.

Everybody wants the applause of the people around them. It helps the person feel good about what they accomplished. He feels validated. If the people around him applaud, it signals their approval and makes him desire to do even more things that will get their approval. If nobody pays attention to his accomplishment, he is not as likely to go on to even greater accomplishments because he thinks nobody wants them.

If you applaud the person who has done a good thing; you are showing gratitude. You are showing them that you are grateful for their accomplishment; grateful that they could do it. You are being kind to them by showing them your approval, and being kind makes you feel good about yourself too. So when you applaud someone's acheivement, you are not just making him feel good. You are making yourself feel good too. Everyone wins.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


"Commitment with accountability closes the gap between intention and results."
Sandra Gallagher

Being committed involves taking a risk. You are hoping that you have chosen the right thing, whether it is a person, relationship, activity, value, or object. But you can never know for sure ahead of time whether your choice is the right one. What if it would have been better to choose the other one? The thought seems scary.
But you define yourself by the things you are committed to. If you're not committed to anything, you will have no way of knowing who you are. And you won't get anywhere either.

Accountability is important because of the fact that commitment is a risk that people often back out of. It always seems easier to back out of a promise that you have made to yourself than it is to back out of a promise you made to somebody else. You can always pretend to yourself that it is okay to back out of your commitment, but your accountability partner is going to be much harder to convince.

It is embarrassing to say to someone that you will do something and then have to explain why you didn't do it. So you're much more motivated to keep your commitments, and make sure you are making progress towards your goals when you are being held accountable for that. It closes the gap between what you say you will do and what you actually do. It leads to success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

We've all heard about "looking for love in all the wrong places". It's such a commonplace experience that it's become a cliche. Why do we look for love in all the wrong places? Where is the right place to look for love? Why can't we ever find enough love in our lives? It's because all we know is conditional love. We have all had a broken heart at some time or another. We have all encountered people who didn't love us enough.

Because we all know what it feels like to be rejected, to be hurt, we have put up barriers inside ourselves to try and protect us against being hurt in the future. Deep down, we expect to be hurt by the people we love. Sometimes we are so afraid of being hurt that we simply stay away from other people; which, of course, guarantees us that we won't find the love we need and deserve.

Sometimes we are shy. Sometimes we are cocky, perhaps boastful and arrogant, in an attempt to convince ourselves and others that we beleive other people will like us, which has the effect of making other people not like us. Sometimes we just plain resent everyone for not loving us before they have had a chance to figure out for themselves what they think of us. There are all kinds of different barriers we erect within ourselves to try and prevent being hurt. And they all backfire on us, making us more hurt than ever.

Love is all around us, if we are brave enough to cast aside our doubts and fears. It is our barriers against hurt that are preventing us from finding the love we crave. Once again, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. It is when we take down our barriers and become most vulnerable, that we find the love we thought we never could.

For ideas about how to become truly successful, visit

Monday, April 20, 2009


"If you expect the best, you will be the best. Learn to use one of the most powerful laws in this world; change your mental habits to belief instead of disbelief. Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing, you bring everything into the realm of possibility."
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

What do you expect? Most of us expect things to happen that are the same or similar to what they have experienced in the past. This is why our lives don't change very much, and why we fall into familiar patterns, having the same things happen over and over again. Sometimes we expect things to happen because someone else expected them to happen or even because we saw or heard it in the media. But things don't have to be that way.

You can use your imagination to visualize good things happening. If you do that consistently enough, you will get to the point that you beleive they are possible, and then you get to the point where you beleive they will happen. You can change your mental habits to beleif instead of disbeleif. You can learn to expect instead of doubting. This is the point at which miracles happen.

If you expect the best, you will have the best. You will show by example how you should be treated by others. The best things will come to you without you chasing after them with exhaustion and frustration. And if you expect yourself to be the best, you will be the best. You will find real success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What do We Live For

"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other"
George Eliot

What do you live for? I think most of us struggle between our own selfish needs and a real urge to help others. It is a struggle because we can't be really happy unless we look after our own needs and desires, which frequently conflict with what other people want, or expect, of us. We want what we want, not what other people want. We know how unsatisfying it feels to do what someone else wants that goes against what we want. That's the thing. We end up feeling resentful of others who "make" us do things we don't want to do. And chances are, we're not going to do a very good job of it anyway. They aren't going to be happy with it.

Yet we do want to help other people. Perhaps what we need is to find a way to do that without sacrificing our own needs and desires in the process. It turns out that the only time you can help other people is when you can think about the person and feel good at the same time. It is when you can expect the other person to succeed at whatever it is that they want to acheive because you beleive that they can do it. The truth is that helping other people helps ourselves too. We live to make life less difficult for each other. Helping others makes us feel good about ourself. But only when we aren't sacrificing what we want in order to give them what they want.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

Thursday, April 16, 2009


"When guilt rears its ugly head confront it, discuss it and let it go. The past is over. It is time to ask what can we do right, not what did we do wrong. Forgive yourself and move on."
Bernie S. Siegel

Are you carrying around a feeling of being guilty. Perhaps you were afraid to apologize to the other person for what you did to them. You just avoided them. But by doing that, you never got a chance to find out that they were not as mad at you as you thought they were. You never got a chance to releive yourself of that guilt, because you didn't discuss it with the other person.

When you feel guilty, it is time to talk to the other person. Apologize sincerely for your actions, and ask what you can do to make it up to them. If they are very hurt by whatever you did, they may be very angry at you, but it won't be as much as they would be if you didn't say or do anything about the problem. You will at least have cleared the air. You will have reached a mutual understanding. That's what is necessary if you are to forgive yourself and move on. You don't deserve to have guilt hanging over you. Deal with the situation as soon as it happens. Then you free yourself up for success.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try."
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

You don't have to succeed. In fact, when you start out to do something, there is no way to know in advance that you will succeed the first time. You are always taking a risk. But that is okay because if you do succeed, you'll have everything you want. If you don't succeed, the worst thing that can happen is that you don't learn from your failure. As long as you learn from your failure, you will be more likely to succeed next time. The worst thing you can do is to give up and quit.

Many of us don't get started in the first place because we are afraid that we will fail. We see failure as a catastrophe, that is just waiting to happen to us. We have no confidence that everything will turn out okay. So we don't try. Since we don't try, we can't possibly succeed. We are guaranteed to not get what we want if we fail to go after it. Wishing won't get you what you want; only consistent action will.

If you want success, all that God requires is that you try. When you make a mistake or have a setback, which you probably will, just learn from it and try again. Don't give up. Be happy in your attempts, knowing that you are working towards acheiving something that is very meaningful to you, and that eventually you will get where you want to be. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. And happiness is the real success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of acheivement, in the thrill of creative effort"
Franklin D Roosevelt

Do you think that you would be really happy if someone gave you a million dollars? Lots of people play the lottery, hoping to be that one in many thousands of people who wins it. The reality is though, that the people who win the lottery usually are not much happier. They spend their money and often end up close to bankrupt after just a few years. Money can't be enjoyed when we have not earned it, when we have not proved to ourselves that we deserve it.

Money is just the icing on the cake, so to speak. What we humans really crave is growth and achievement. We want to accomplish something really great, something that will outlast us. Preferably something that many future generations will remember us for. Admittedly we also really want to be admired, and perhaps envied, today for our efforts.

We want to create something wonderful, and to watch the results of our efforts take shape. We want to inspire others to do great things too. Without the thrill of creative effort and acheivement of great things, our lives lose their purpose and meaning. We don't really live our lives. We simply aren't satisfied with our lives. We feel like we've sold ourselves short.

They say that people on their deathbed typically regret the things they didn't do much more than anything they did do. We're not doing enough. We're not growing enough, acheiving enough, and creating enough. We're not enjoying the fruits of our creative efforts. That's why we aren't very happy. Depression is epidemic these days.

Don't wish merely to possess money. Wish to have grown enough, acheived enough, and created enough to prove that you really deserve the money. The happiness lies in the growing, acheiving, and creating. This is what you really want anyway.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Monday, April 13, 2009


"I can change. I can live out my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past."
Stephen Covey

Are you living out of your memory? Most of us have never considered that, but that is indeed what we are doing. We beleive that things will turn out a certain way, based on what has happened in the past, and they do. We look at the things all around us and assume that they will stay that way. Our future becomes tied to our past. The past keeps on perpetuating itself, because we expect it to.

What if we expected the future to be different from anything we have ever experienced or read about? What if we were free to invent a future that could be anything we could imagine? That would be exciting because we would be free to create a future that is exactly what we want.

Most of us are tied to our limiting past. We think that if we couldn't do something before, there's no reason why we will be able to do it this time. We don't give it a second chance. Our past obstacles, problems, and challenges continue to haunt us.

What if we could be, do, and have whatever we want? What if we truly understood that we had limitless potential? We would never be afraid to try, because we would expect success. And then we would change. We would acheive an abundance of success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Saturday, April 11, 2009


"A three-year-old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm."
Bill Vaughn

Small children are fascinating to watch, as any parent knows. They are much closer to their true nature than we are, because they have not yet been corrupted by society's influences. We have a lot we can learn from them. Parents often find, much to their dismay, that they buy their child some expensive toy, that they loved when they were kids, only to find that their child ignores the toy completely while he takes the box it came in and starts playing with that. Children have their own ideas about what they want to play with. They know what's interesting to them, and it has nothing to do with a price tag.

How do we apply this lesson to our own lives. First of all, we must forget about comparing ourselves to others. A small child has no interest in who has the fanciest swingset, because that small green worm is much more fascinating in the moment. Then we must let go of the idea that the worth of something is determined by how much money it cost. The worth of something is actually determined by how interesting and enjoyable it is to you, and that has nothing to do with money. A breeze on a hot day is worth a great deal to you, but it is free; it can't be bought. In fact it is the case that the most valuable things in the world are not for sale at any price, but freely available to anyone who goes looking for them.

To be truly successful, we must reach for what we want most at this moment, not what is more expensive. We must stop comparing ourselves with others, especially with others who have more expensive things than we do. What really counts is that we have what we want, which might very well be priceless, because it is free.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Friday, April 10, 2009

Comfort Zone

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Neale Donald Walsch

We are so afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone. We want to remain warm and comfortable, no matter what the costs. We pretend there are no costs. But when we will only allow our circumstances to be one way, we prevent it from being any one of untold possibilities. It won't get worse, but then it won't get better either.

When we do not do anything new and different, life can get pretty boring. Our creativity and imagination disapears. We become dull and uninteresting, because we become just like everyone else around us, who are also staying in their comfort zones. We can't learn and grow. It's comfortable, but it becomes a prison nevertheless.

We develop the illusion that we know who we are and what is best for us. Our ego assumes that what is best for us is what we are used to; what has happened to us in the past. But we can't know what is best for us, unless we test it out, and keep testing it out. This requires finding new alternatives all the time, testing them, and following whichever one works best. It requires going out of our comfort zone continuously. What is best for us is to learn and grow, and to accomplish that we must risk stepping outside of our comfort zone. That is where life begins.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Thursday, April 9, 2009


"Where would the gardener be if there were no more weeds?"
Chaung Tzu

You probably wonder why there are so many things wrong with the world. Why are there wars and hunger and poverty and disease and drugs. If God is so compassionate, how could he allow such suffering among people? If he loves us unconditionally, why does he allow us to be treated so badly?

Some people say it's because God gave us free will and people brought this upon themselves. Maybe people have an unconscious wish to suffer. This is one possible answer, even if it is hard for most of us to swallow. Why would anyone want to suffer? They obviously wouldn't, on a conscious level.

But where would the gardener be if there were no more weeds? What would happen if everything happened exactly the way we wanted it to. A fascinating glimpse into the possibilities comes from the book "the Giver" by Louis Lowry. A perfect society is impossible.

People are born to grow and develop, and if everything were already perfect they would be bored and miserable because there would be no problems to solve and learn from, and no learning means no growth. The real fun in having a garden comes from tending to it; getting rid of the weeds, and solving any other problems that get in the way of healthy and beautiful flowers.

If there were only beauty, people would come to not even notice it. They wouldn't know it was beautiful because there would be nothing ugly to contrast it with. They wouldn't appreciate beauty because it would be all they knew. There would be nothing to compare it with and find it better.

Be grateful for all the difficulties in your life. They were put there for your own growth, development, and improvement, since God really does love you unconditionally. He knows that suffering is actually good for you since it makes you aware of and appreciative of the beauty in the world, and keeps you learning and growing. The gardener needs those weeds to keep him busy enjoying life.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Take a Chance

"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."
Debbi Fields

If you want to reach any goal, you must get started. This sounds obvious, but so many of us don't get started untill it is too late. We procrastinate. We want to find out more information to make sure that what we are about to do is the right thing. We think that if we have enough information we will know the right answer, but there is never enough information. The more we gather, the more unsure we are. So we stay put and miss our big opportunity.

Doing anything worthwhile involves taking a risk. There is always the risk that what you do will not bring the results you wanted, or even bring results you definately didn't want. There is the risk that you will lose your investment, whether it be time, energy, or money. There is the risk that you might make a mistake. But if you never take a risk, you will never get the rewards. And the bigger the risk, the bigger the rewards. The worst thing you can do is to not try, to not do anything.

Once you have determined what it is that you love to do, focus your attention on it. Learn to excel at it. Learn to be better than everyone else. Then you will find success in life.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"So long as we love we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Perhaps the best indicator of success is whether we love others, and others love us. We are here to help each other. Whenever we love another person, we are motivated to do whatever we can to help them be happy and successful. All we want is to see them happy, because when they are happy so are we. We identify with the best in them, sometimes seeing it in them when they can't see it in themselves, and want to make it visible to the whole world. We want to help them reach their potential.

We are most valuable when we are loved by others because they find us an inspiration to be their best. In effect we teach them what to be. They identify with the best in us; even if we can't see our own worth ourselves, they show us what we can be. They strive to reach their own potential so they can be good enough for us. When they love us, they want us to love them back. By showing their love for us, they are showing their love for themselves because if they treat you well, you will treat them well too, and anyone who loves themself wants to be treated with love by others.

No man is useless while he has a friend. So often we think that we are only useful when we are doing something impressive. But we are useful every time we smile at another person and every time we help another person even in the smallest way. We are most successful when we have made another person happy, or inspired another person to reach their potential. We are most successful when we love, and are loved.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Monday, April 6, 2009


"The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking."
Robert H. Schuller

We have all heard that anything is possible, but few of us really beleive it. We are very good at thinking up many reasons why something is impossible, or at least impossible for us. If someone else was able to do it, they must have had resources available to them that are not available for us. Sometimes we beleive that the resources needed to acheive our dream, are simply not available to anyone.

We often beleive that if someone has accomplished something that we want to accomplish, it must have been luck. We assume that it can't happen again. But luck is not something that is reserved for other people. It is simply being in the right place at the right time with the necessary resources, and it is available to everyone. It involves preparation and practise, and continually expecting to get what you want eventually, and that is something that anyone can do.

The only place that your dream become impossible is in your own thinking. You must beleive in your capabilities, and you must beleive in your dream. You must trust in your inner resources, and have faith in the Universe (or whatever you want to call the higher power). All things are possible to one who beleives that they will get what they want.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Sunday, April 5, 2009


"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens

What are you thinking about right now? Are you worried about your future? Do you regret your past? Or are you grateful for the present? When you are worried about the future, you are actually reflecting upon bad things that happened in the past (or you have heard about them happening in the past), and assuming that they will happen in the future. But the past doesn't have to have anything to do with what happens in the future, unless you tie the two together. It is better to assume that the future is a completely fresh start, a blank slate.

When you are regretting something that happened in the past, you have identified with it. It has become part of who you think you are. But you are not the sum of your experiences in the past, good or bad. You are much more than that. And remembering bad things will just make you miserable in the present.

The successful and happy person is the one who is always reflecting on their present blessings. They notice and appreciate the abundance all around them, which makes them expect to get more. And whenever you expect to get something, it comes to you. When you are grateful for what you have, the Universe sends you more things to be grateful for. You become loving and happy and blessed, in an upward spiral.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Friday, April 3, 2009

Put up the Antenna

"Miracles: You do not have to look for them. They are there, 24-7, beaming like radio waves all around you. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume - snap... crackle... this just in, every person you talk to is a chance to change the world..."
Hugh Elliott

Do you beleive in miracles? If you don't beleive in miracles, you will never find them. If you think that you know everything, or can find it out, you will never be impressed by the world. So many of us walk around jaded, thinking that we've seen it all. We find that nothing is a big deal because it can be explained away by someone. There is no awe or wonder or true excitement in our lives.

When you do start beleiving in miracles, then you start finding them everywhere you look. Everything you used to take for granted becomes special. It is as if you are seeing it for the very first time. You start to realize that there is much more to the world than what we understand about it. Miracles are everywhere and always. In fact, life itself is a miracle. Your existance is a miracle. But you need to really understand and beleive that before you can live with your eyes open, and really see just how special the world is.

You need to put up your antenna and tune it to the wavelength of miracles. Find and appreciate all the miracles that are always going on around you wherever you go. Everything you do will become fun and exciting. Everyone you talk to is a chance to change the world. You will discover a happiness and a zest for life that you never knew before.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Thursday, April 2, 2009


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
Dwight David Eisenhower

When we make guns, launch warships, and fire rockets we do it because we beleive we are seperate from "the enemy" and we want to gain power over them in order to make sure that our lives go the way they want them. The truth is, however, that nobody will ever gain control over their lives by gaining control over other people. There is no way that we can ever guarantee our lives will go the way we want them to, and the sooner we understand that the better off we will be. The other truth is that we are not seperate from "the enemy" or any other human beings. We are not better than they are, nor are we worse than they are. We are all human beings and we are all connected for better or worse. "Never ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

Since we are all connected, it makes sense to care about other humans. We are all the responsibility of each other, and we all need each other in order to make the best of ourselves. If we do not feed the hungry or clothe those who are cold, then one day we will find ourselves hungry and cold . If we don't make peace with our fellow human beings, we will inevitably one day find ourselves at war. And none of those things will feel good! That's not what we want for ourselves. The Golden Rule is such a wise one. It is only when we treat others the way we want to be treated ourselves, that we are indeed treated that way. Don't steal from yourself just to satisfy your ego's selfish wants. Every person you help, helps you even more.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009


"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
From A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh

How well do you know yourself? That of course depends on to what extent you have stayed in your comfort zone. Most of us do the same kinds of activities with the same kinds of people in the same ways all the time. We are afraid of doing things differently. After all, we might not get the results we wanted, or even fail altogether. But how do you know what you can do if you don't try.

We often really surprize ourselves on those occasions where we have to do something new, or do something differently. We find out that we have abilities that we never knew we had. Most of us under-rate our capabilities because we have never really tested them. Successful people are continually testing themselves, and pushing the envelope of what they can do. They boldly go where they have not gone before. And they find out the truth: we are braver than we believe, and stronger than we seem, and smarter than we think.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit