Thursday, April 23, 2009


"When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy."
Samuel Goldwyn

How often do you applaud when you see someone do something good? Very often we are resentful instead of being approving. We think we should have done that. We want the rewards they are getting, so we are jealous of them. "It's not fair". Perhaps we feel frustrated that they did something that we could not. But when we are resentful, jealous, and frustrated, that doesn't help either us or them.

Everybody wants the applause of the people around them. It helps the person feel good about what they accomplished. He feels validated. If the people around him applaud, it signals their approval and makes him desire to do even more things that will get their approval. If nobody pays attention to his accomplishment, he is not as likely to go on to even greater accomplishments because he thinks nobody wants them.

If you applaud the person who has done a good thing; you are showing gratitude. You are showing them that you are grateful for their accomplishment; grateful that they could do it. You are being kind to them by showing them your approval, and being kind makes you feel good about yourself too. So when you applaud someone's acheivement, you are not just making him feel good. You are making yourself feel good too. Everyone wins.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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