Thursday, April 30, 2009


"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Chances are, you spend a lot of time wishing. Wishing that life would be different. Wishing that you could do what you want to do. Wishing that you could have what you want to have. Wishing that there were no restrictions. We all do. We daydream about what life would be like "if only ...". But we don't get around to planning.

Probably the single biggest reason why we fail to plan is because we don't really beleive that our goal is possible for us. We don't have confidence in ourself or in our goal. Often we secretly beleive that we don't deserve to have what we want. Often we are paying attention to all the reasons why we can't reach our goal instead of paying attention to all of the reasons why we can reach it. We tell ourselves that it will cost too much, in time, money, or energy. But it takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

As soon as we beleive that success is possible for us, and that we deserve it, than planning how to get what we want becomes effortless. When getting what we want is a given, then planning how to do that becomes as fun and easy, as wishing used to be. And once we have a plan, it is that much easier to take action, and to become excited at the progress we're making. All of this speeds up the time it takes to reach your goals and become a success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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