Monday, April 27, 2009


"When nothing is sure, everything is possible"
Margaret Drabble

Are you sure about yourself? Are you sure about what you like and dislike, about what you are scared of and what brings you joy? Are you sure about your capabilities? Most of us are pretty sure of who we are. We are confident that we are the product of our upbringing, and our experiences, and the relationships we have had with other people. We are confident that we share the beleifs of our country and our society. We are confident of the mental, emotional, and physical differences between ourselves and the opposite sex. We know that we are masculine or feminine.

But is any of that really who we are. Since we have spent so much time and energy defining ourselves, we have closed the door to becoming anything different. There are no other possibilities for us. If we have decided we are fat, then we will always be fat. The truth is that very little of who we are can't be changed once we decide that it is possible for us to be something different than who we thought we were. The only things that really can't be changed are the physical workings of our bodies.

What would happen if you gave up the picture you have of yourself? Can you even imagine doing that? What would happen if you said "I don't understand anything at all about myself"? If you could do that, then you would be free to become anything at all. Anything would be possible. You could reinvent yourself entirely. If, for example, you decided that you weren't fat, just 200 pounds, then it would actually be much easier to lose the pounds if you still wanted to. When you don't have any picture of who you are, you can be anything. You're not bound to be true to that picture. And most of the time the pictures we have of ourselves are inaccurate anyway, largely being what other people have told us we are when they really don't know.

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