Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try."
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

You don't have to succeed. In fact, when you start out to do something, there is no way to know in advance that you will succeed the first time. You are always taking a risk. But that is okay because if you do succeed, you'll have everything you want. If you don't succeed, the worst thing that can happen is that you don't learn from your failure. As long as you learn from your failure, you will be more likely to succeed next time. The worst thing you can do is to give up and quit.

Many of us don't get started in the first place because we are afraid that we will fail. We see failure as a catastrophe, that is just waiting to happen to us. We have no confidence that everything will turn out okay. So we don't try. Since we don't try, we can't possibly succeed. We are guaranteed to not get what we want if we fail to go after it. Wishing won't get you what you want; only consistent action will.

If you want success, all that God requires is that you try. When you make a mistake or have a setback, which you probably will, just learn from it and try again. Don't give up. Be happy in your attempts, knowing that you are working towards acheiving something that is very meaningful to you, and that eventually you will get where you want to be. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. And happiness is the real success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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