Wednesday, April 22, 2009


"Commitment with accountability closes the gap between intention and results."
Sandra Gallagher

Being committed involves taking a risk. You are hoping that you have chosen the right thing, whether it is a person, relationship, activity, value, or object. But you can never know for sure ahead of time whether your choice is the right one. What if it would have been better to choose the other one? The thought seems scary.
But you define yourself by the things you are committed to. If you're not committed to anything, you will have no way of knowing who you are. And you won't get anywhere either.

Accountability is important because of the fact that commitment is a risk that people often back out of. It always seems easier to back out of a promise that you have made to yourself than it is to back out of a promise you made to somebody else. You can always pretend to yourself that it is okay to back out of your commitment, but your accountability partner is going to be much harder to convince.

It is embarrassing to say to someone that you will do something and then have to explain why you didn't do it. So you're much more motivated to keep your commitments, and make sure you are making progress towards your goals when you are being held accountable for that. It closes the gap between what you say you will do and what you actually do. It leads to success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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