Friday, April 10, 2009

Comfort Zone

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Neale Donald Walsch

We are so afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone. We want to remain warm and comfortable, no matter what the costs. We pretend there are no costs. But when we will only allow our circumstances to be one way, we prevent it from being any one of untold possibilities. It won't get worse, but then it won't get better either.

When we do not do anything new and different, life can get pretty boring. Our creativity and imagination disapears. We become dull and uninteresting, because we become just like everyone else around us, who are also staying in their comfort zones. We can't learn and grow. It's comfortable, but it becomes a prison nevertheless.

We develop the illusion that we know who we are and what is best for us. Our ego assumes that what is best for us is what we are used to; what has happened to us in the past. But we can't know what is best for us, unless we test it out, and keep testing it out. This requires finding new alternatives all the time, testing them, and following whichever one works best. It requires going out of our comfort zone continuously. What is best for us is to learn and grow, and to accomplish that we must risk stepping outside of our comfort zone. That is where life begins.

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