Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of acheivement, in the thrill of creative effort"
Franklin D Roosevelt

Do you think that you would be really happy if someone gave you a million dollars? Lots of people play the lottery, hoping to be that one in many thousands of people who wins it. The reality is though, that the people who win the lottery usually are not much happier. They spend their money and often end up close to bankrupt after just a few years. Money can't be enjoyed when we have not earned it, when we have not proved to ourselves that we deserve it.

Money is just the icing on the cake, so to speak. What we humans really crave is growth and achievement. We want to accomplish something really great, something that will outlast us. Preferably something that many future generations will remember us for. Admittedly we also really want to be admired, and perhaps envied, today for our efforts.

We want to create something wonderful, and to watch the results of our efforts take shape. We want to inspire others to do great things too. Without the thrill of creative effort and acheivement of great things, our lives lose their purpose and meaning. We don't really live our lives. We simply aren't satisfied with our lives. We feel like we've sold ourselves short.

They say that people on their deathbed typically regret the things they didn't do much more than anything they did do. We're not doing enough. We're not growing enough, acheiving enough, and creating enough. We're not enjoying the fruits of our creative efforts. That's why we aren't very happy. Depression is epidemic these days.

Don't wish merely to possess money. Wish to have grown enough, acheived enough, and created enough to prove that you really deserve the money. The happiness lies in the growing, acheiving, and creating. This is what you really want anyway.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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