Saturday, April 25, 2009


"Belief in yourself, belief in your abilities, will override fear almost every time. The only thing we are afraid of is what we are capable of accomplishing."
Rich DiGirolamo

Do you believe in yourself? From the time we are little, we are constantly told by everyone what we can not and should not do. We are told over and over again, that someone else knows better than we do and we can not do anything if they have decided that it is not a good idea for us. We must obey the law, even if it is only the law because someone older than you came up with the idea. But the truth is that nobody knows what is truly best for you except yourself.

We need to cast off the beliefs that our family, and our school, and our society have been telling us, that simply don't serve us. The best way to do that is to try to do what we have been told that we can't do, and then see just how true that belief is. This can take a lot of courage, but it is ultimately the only way for us to grow and improve. We also need to start thinking about the choices we make, and start making them based on what we want instead of what would be convenient for others.

If you truly believe that you can accomplish something, where is the fear? Fear is something that exists only in your mind, which means that you do have some control over it. The only thing we are afraid of is the thing that we believe we can't acheive. When we believe we can accomplish whatever we want, when we believe in our true capabilities, then we will have no fear. And true success will be ours.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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