Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Take a Chance

"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."
Debbi Fields

If you want to reach any goal, you must get started. This sounds obvious, but so many of us don't get started untill it is too late. We procrastinate. We want to find out more information to make sure that what we are about to do is the right thing. We think that if we have enough information we will know the right answer, but there is never enough information. The more we gather, the more unsure we are. So we stay put and miss our big opportunity.

Doing anything worthwhile involves taking a risk. There is always the risk that what you do will not bring the results you wanted, or even bring results you definately didn't want. There is the risk that you will lose your investment, whether it be time, energy, or money. There is the risk that you might make a mistake. But if you never take a risk, you will never get the rewards. And the bigger the risk, the bigger the rewards. The worst thing you can do is to not try, to not do anything.

Once you have determined what it is that you love to do, focus your attention on it. Learn to excel at it. Learn to be better than everyone else. Then you will find success in life.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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