Sunday, April 5, 2009


"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."
Charles Dickens

What are you thinking about right now? Are you worried about your future? Do you regret your past? Or are you grateful for the present? When you are worried about the future, you are actually reflecting upon bad things that happened in the past (or you have heard about them happening in the past), and assuming that they will happen in the future. But the past doesn't have to have anything to do with what happens in the future, unless you tie the two together. It is better to assume that the future is a completely fresh start, a blank slate.

When you are regretting something that happened in the past, you have identified with it. It has become part of who you think you are. But you are not the sum of your experiences in the past, good or bad. You are much more than that. And remembering bad things will just make you miserable in the present.

The successful and happy person is the one who is always reflecting on their present blessings. They notice and appreciate the abundance all around them, which makes them expect to get more. And whenever you expect to get something, it comes to you. When you are grateful for what you have, the Universe sends you more things to be grateful for. You become loving and happy and blessed, in an upward spiral.

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