Friday, May 1, 2009

The Eyes of Other People

"The eyes of other people are the eyes that ruin us. If all but myself were blind, I should want neither fine clothes, fine houses, nor fine furniture."
Benjamin Franklin

What would you want for yourself if nobody else was around to criticise or compare. We often behave like we care more about other people's opinions than we care about our own. How often have we denied what we really want because we think other people will disapprove? How often have we wanted to have something just so that we can impress others?

We learn from the time we are very small not to be "selfish". We learn to do as we are told, whether we understand it or agree with it. We are often even told what it is that we want, or should want. We learn that our purpose in life is to make other people happy by doing what they want us to do. We don't even know what it is that we really want for ourselves.

Imagine a life where other people's opinions of you didn't matter. Imagine a life where you could do what you wanted, and let others do what they wanted (assuming of course that nobody intentionally hurt others). Imagine a life where you didn't have to have fine clothes, fine houses, and fine furniture unless you really wanted them for yourself. It can happen. As Jack Canfield points out, you can start by honoring your own preferences in every situation, no matter how large or small. Decide what you want for you, not what everyone else wants for you. It will bring you much more happiness and fullfillment.

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