Sunday, May 31, 2009


"Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be fish."

Taking action is so important. Many of us procrastinate until the window of opportunity has almost closed; and some of us are so afraid of failure, or even success, that we never get started at all. Very occasionally, you can get what you want if you just constantly focus on it and visualize it, but it's not wise to plan on that. People who are successful are generally those who consistently take action until they get what they want.

In general, the more action you take, the more successful you are. It is only when you are out there taking action, that the Universe knows that you are serious about getting what you want so it is more inclined to bring you the resources and opportunities you need in order to be successful. It is also true that the more you take action the more you will make mistakes; and that is a good thing because the more mistakes you make the more you will learn about what doesn't work and that narrows down the possibilities of what will work.

One important thing though, is that you can't just take action. You need to take action in a variety of different ways, experimenting with different things. Diversity of action is essential, and not just because it will help you make more mistakes so you learn more about what doesn't work and narrow down the possibilities of what does work. When you're "fishing" for a certain result, and you cast your hook into many different ponds, you're more likely to find what you're looking for than you would if you only cast your hook into one pond. As the saying goes "Never put all your eggs into one basket". Even when an action seems unlikely to produce the result you want, you'll never know for sure until you try it. In the pool where you least expect it, will be fish.

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