Sunday, May 24, 2009


"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
Joseph Campbell

How many things do we want to do, but don't do because we are afraid of getting bad results. Perhaps we are afraid that other people will laugh at us. Perhaps we feel that we somehow don't deserve to get good results so God, or other people, will withhold them from us. Perhaps we think that we are incapable of getting the results we want because we aren't skilled enough or learned enough or don't have adequate resources. But whatever the reason, we fail to go after those things we want because we are afraid of what might happen if we do.

Unfortunately, our fear keeps us from getting the results we want. We like to think that it is our circumstances that prevent us from getting them, but it is simply our thoughts about our circumstances that stop us from taking action. How many times have we finally done something we dreaded doing only to find out that there was no real reason to be afraid after all.

It is the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. If the treasure you seek was in some place easy for you to find then you would already have it. It is not anywhere in your comfort zone because if it were you would not change your life significantly and you would not value it so highly. We have often heard that the greater the risk, the greater the reward. The risk that is called for here is to step outside your comfort zone and go to unknown places, ones that you fear because you don't know them yet. To find your treasure you have to step into the unknown and face your fears.

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