Saturday, May 2, 2009


"...focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it."
Greg Anderson

In our society, we are always running around, trying to get things done as fast as possible, so that we can get to the next thing and do that as fast as possible too. We have too many things to do and it seems like there is never enough time. Everything we do is a means to an end, and the sooner we get to that end the better. We are very impatient, and in many ways are like a society of ADD sufferers. We don't have the attention to devote to any one activity or idea for very long.

We set goals and focus on them. But the goals themselves, the outcomes, are not really important, except as an expression of what we really want. What is really important is the actions we take in order to work towards our goals. It turns out that we usually only get what we want when we relax and let go of our expectation that our activities will get a certain result. It is not the end result that we need to be focusing on. Instead, we need to focus on the journey.

Our true happiness is in doing an activity, not in finishing it. It lies in the creating of something special, not in the finished product. It lies in the excitement of seeing something improve and the anticipation of success. It lies in the joy of learning and growing by discovering how to do something, or how to do something better, that is meaningful to you. Focus on the journey instead of the destination because that is where joy is found. And a successful life is one in which there are many journeys, and any destination is never rested at for long.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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