Monday, May 18, 2009


"When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you."
Tin Cup

In all our lives, there are certain moments that can change everything. It may be when you meet the man or woman of your dreams. It may be when suddenly an opportunity comes up for you to get the job you always wanted. It may be when you encounter a person or situation that teaches you something very important about yourself or your life. What do you do when one of these moments happens?

One option is to let the moment define you. You can just go along with what it seems to be telling you about your not being good enough. When that opportunity for the perfect job comes along, for example, you might say to yourself "What's the use? I'll never get that job, Joe, and Susan, are much better at that kind of thing. Besides,I'm not sure I could handle the extra responsibility or whether I want the extra work". You are letting the moment prove to you what you thought you knew about yourself.

The other option is to define the moment. You can choose to let it teach you something new about yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone to take advantage of it. When that opportunity for the perfect job comes along, for example, you might say to yourself "I'm going to apply for that job now. Let's see if I really am the best candidate for the job. Let's see how good my skills really are. Let's see if I could handle the extra responsibility and the extra work. I beleive that I will discover that I can do all those things once I get the chance, and I will be happier for it"

Seize the day. When opportunities come along, take advantage of them right away. Success comes to those who define the moment, instead of letting the moment define them as someone not good enough.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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